the great and the good of this country have always,had us stitched up like kippers, it's just become more obvious now,because all the varying groups of grubby,holier than thou,filching bastards are elbowing each other out of the way to get their hands in the till.
if joe bloggs on benefit, fiddles a bit extra on his housing benefit each month and gets caught, he's hauled before the courts and thrown in jail and made to pay it all back out of his remaining
the great and the good cause a near melt down of capitalism landing countries in debt for a generation, lawbreakers reek havoc on people's private lives , police officers take bribes,MP's are seen squirming and terrified,having eventually got their mitts out of the till, and what happens>? the bankers get huge bonuses after us numpties have bailed them out.the lawbreakers cause inquiries costing millions to be undertaken which we pay for,police officers investigate themselves,and the politicians carry on considering a crook to take over the media in this country because they are too scared of what his band of reprobates have on them that can be plastered all over the press.