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Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Aww poor her, she's been hacked too.

Anyone hear of this before?

As i said she is now playing the victim.

She didnt need to go to Downing street to meet Cameron ,she spent Christmas with him ,she rides with him ,and she was at his birthday party,they are friends!!


I find it all rather disgusting. The very people who used the press to their advantage, when it suited, are now tripping over themselves to be holier than thou. Of course the Murdoch family have questions to answer, they gave Carte Blanche to get a story at whatever cost , I.E the editors, but they didnt know either, that phone hacking/paying for info was going on 

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Ohhhh smashing blizzie thanks!


That woman in the pink was dying to get a bit of attention all day.

Thats his wife Gypsie

*dons mrs merton hat* "and i wonder what first attracted her to the billionaire mr murdoch"

I can't imagine it was his looks, fit body, sense of humour!


very apt IMO!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

It's on Sky pay-per-view  


There was a really interesting bit on C4 News: they were monitoring the Fox News rolling coverage all afternoon, alongside the News Corp share price on the Dow Jones ticker.

When Rupert started to get into trouble, the Fox feed curiously went offline. When it finally came back on, James Murdoch was answering questions, and the share price immediately started to rise again!

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

It's on Sky pay-per-view  


There was a really interesting bit on C4 News: they were monitoring the Fox News rolling coverage all afternoon, alongside the News Corp share price on the Dow Jones ticker.

When Rupert started to get into trouble, the Fox feed curiously went offline. When it finally came back on, James Murdoch was answering questions, and the share price immediately started to rise again!


Mighty Quinn
Originally Posted by PeterCat:
Originally Posted by Smarting Buttocks:

Rebekah said "We are doing all we can to get to the bottom of this story"


Why the "we"? 

Well it certainly adds fuel to the rumour that she's still on the Murdoch payroll despite resigning.

That was my thought PC.  I certainly wouldn't be surprised to see her given another top post in another part of the Murdoch empire sometime in the future.

Smarting Buttocks

Mr Bernstein was one of two reporters who revealed US president Richard Nixon's efforts to cover up a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters.

It led to the conviction of a number of White House officials and Mr Nixon's eventual resignation.

The tale sent shock waves around the world, and the suffix '-gate' is still used today for many new, far-reaching scandals.

Speaking to Sky's political editor Adam Boulton, Mr Bernstein said the two scandals were "analogous in some real ways".

"It is about a massive abuse of power in an institution that has been corrupted from the top," Mr Berstein said.

"It's not only about whether there is a smoking gun or not, it is about what has happened institutionally and how that institution has come to capture the very institutional life of Great Britain, its politics, its police and its media.



We need a tabloid press, but a tabloid press ought to have some concern with ethics, not manufactured controversy, lies and very little concern with the truth.



"It is an appalling story and it is going to go on for a long time, which is, I suspect, another way it is similar to Watergate."

He hit out at the way the News Of The World was run, saying the "journalistic ethics in this institution have been horribly undermined and that comes from the top down".

"It was run by thuggery, run by thugs.

"It is pretty hard to believe that if you read those stories in the News Of The World that they did not come from hacking."

Mr Bernstein also paid tribute to Rupert Murdoch, calling him an "enormously impressive figure", but said that he felt "sadness" for him.

"I think there is an inevitability to this, because the kind of journalism that the News Of The World does, or did, this is really about a culture that we don't need in journalism.

"We need a tabloid press, but a tabloid press ought to have some concern with ethics, not manufactured controversy, lies and very little concern with the truth."




Are we really going to be taking in that easily? Ms. Brooks was arrested by the police on Friday. Why? Murdoch sen and son don't no nofink. Just the way I thought that it would go before it even started. Why does nobody in this country get onto the ballistrades and say enough is enough. That w*nker flew back to New York today without any recourse. Sometimes I think David Ike (sp) has a point.

cologne 1

I blimmin missed them on tele the other day (but have heard about it )


I agree with Jackson ^^^ I think there will be a lot more arrests to come yet. The damage has already been done to the company, though. Anyone who got into bed with any of the News Int brands (and even maybe News Corp internationally) - will be hesitant to do so from now on. I would think most companies won't want to be seen to be associated with them.

I still feel sorry for those who have lost their jobs who had nothing to do with all this, though.


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