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it was effing well brilliant-best one of the lot

we saw it in 3D

and there was cheering and clapping in the cinema

unfortunately it was just me cheering and clapping cos the cinema was empty

so my step-son kept shrinking into his seat with embarrassment


mrs weasley and neville longbottom are my new heroes

and ive been doing spells with step-sons wand since i got home


*Wingardium Leviosa*


anyone floating?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Thanks for this Pirate.  My 2 daughters are going in a minute... to the 4.30 showing!  And I am gonna meet my pal for a pizza!  I will see it next week... cannae be arsed with the HOOOOJ crowds this week!

My 12 year old is going tomorrow. He can't wait. My 18 year old daughter mate and a few other went to one of the 12.01 showings last night/this morning. Apparently she cried as she said goodbye to her childhood.
Originally Posted by Croctacus:
My 12 year old is going tomorrow. He can't wait. My 18 year old daughter mate and a few other went to one of the 12.01 showings last night/this morning. Apparently she cried as she said goodbye to her childhood.

i nearly shed a tear

it was hidden by my 3D glasses

Originally Posted by Croctacus:
My 12 year old is going tomorrow. He can't wait. My 18 year old daughter mate and a few other went to one of the 12.01 showings last night/this morning. Apparently she cried as she said goodbye to her childhood.

I'm just gonna cry full stop.     If it's anything like the book anyway... I was sitting on a station platform (not 9 and three quarters) trying not to look too much of an snivelling idiot when I was reading the big scene at the end.


I'll be like pirate - I'll want to clap, I know I will.        I'm waiting till after the school hols to go see it though - can't be doing with all those kids spoiling my grown up film.



Originally Posted by Roxan:

OH works at AMC downtown disney as a chef for the dine in theatres. There were people lining up for the midnight showing at 6am apparently, half of them in full costume. All 26 screens showed it overnight all full and its sold out for the next 10 days.


He kept calling me saying - man these people have no lives!


JK must be pleased!

Its funny how, when people have obsessions with movies/movie stars/singers or sci-fi/star trek or anything similar, they are laughed at and mocked and accused of needing to 'get a life,' but if someone is a huge sports fan/footie fan, nobody bats an eyelid... 


It's like OK to spend all your waking hours watching 20-odd men kick a ball round a pitch or whatever, but God forbid you like movies and sci-fi.. you get laughed at..  Yet my 2 daughters have about 30 friends in a Harry Potter club, that live between 20 and 75 miles away, that meet 5 or 6 times a year for 2 or 3 days at a time, and they all love it to bits, and they have a GREAT TIME!  My girls also have wonderful active social lives and go out several times a week to after school clubs and theatre groups and all sorts, and they really couldnt give a shit what other people think...


but it does annoy me when people mock, and accuse people of needing to 'get a life,' just because the movie fan/sci-fi fan's interests don't coincide with theirs.  And like I said, when people are obsessed with SPORT, nobody seems to mock............  It's a bit narrow minded and rude to take the piss out of someone and their interests and hobbies, just because you don't like them....

Anyway, must go.. gotta take the kids to HARRY POTTER!


DISCLAIMER:  These words arent aimed at ANYONE on here...   People arent like that on here......This is people I know/have known/have met, in real life...  

Originally Posted by Roxan:
Originally Posted by sparkles:

Its funny how, when people have obsessions with movies/movie stars/singers or sci-fi/star trek or anything similar, they are laughed at and mocked and accused of needing to 'get a life,' but if someone is a huge sports fan/footie fan, nobody bats an eyelid... 


Hey Sparkles I agree with you! It sounded quite good fun to me. They had someone who kept updating a massive sign with "xxx hours to go - YAY", they had set up a quiz game everyone was joining in, people were sharing picnics, there were people of all ages in costume! - Dont mind my OH he's a miserable git!

HI ROXAN!  Oh I do hope you didnt think my comments were aimed at your other half...  I am sorry if it came across that way..   I meant people that I know, and have met piss me off bashing and mocking people who love movies, and sci fi and 'nerdy' stuff..., and I wasnt aiming it at anyone on here (including your OH)....  I just get tired of nerdy peeps being bashed.  So I do hope you know that I wasnt aiming it at your other half. 


Originally Posted by sparkles:

My daughters said it was BRILLIANT!  And they cried for half of the film!!!  I will see it next week. 

i said to my OH who cant stand going to the cinema 'you know when a film is good, when it feels like its only been on for half an hour'

she said 'it felt like a lifetime'


she's in the pub

so ive bought her a chinese takeaway to shut her up when she comes in


OK, that made me laugh out loud, Saz!


I READ the book when it came out and I CAN'T REMEMBER HOW IT ENDS!!!

I just need to grab the book off the shelf and have a quick scan before I go see the movie...after the crowds die down a bit.


Daughters going tomorrow, all her mate's comments on my FB say the same, everyone clapped at the start and the end, i can't stand it myself  took daughter to the first one when she was little and was bored too tears

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by sparkles:

My daughters said it was BRILLIANT!  And they cried for half of the film!!!  I will see it next week. 

i said to my OH who cant stand going to the cinema 'you know when a film is good, when it feels like its only been on for half an hour'

she said 'it felt like a lifetime'


she's in the pub

so ive bought her a chinese takeaway to shut her up when she comes in

Love it



I loved all the books ........................I've seen bits and bobs of the films on DVD's that my grandson has but .............................I may actually watch the last one through from beginning to end.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Lori:

OK, that made me laugh out loud, Saz!


me too I've forgotten a load of the details too, I prob wont bother re-reading, that way I wont get pissed off when they've missed bits out/changed bits

Originally Posted by Croctacus:
my 12 year old went today to see it. He said he thought it was the best one and he also reckons he's going to watch all the other all day tomorrow!

The local Odeon showed every film in the series-  one a night right up to the release date - finished with part 1 at 9p.m. on the 14th and a midnight showing of Part 2.     I'd have loved that (if it wasn't for the uncomfy seats and the feeling that I really should be old enough to know better )  

Originally Posted by Croctacus:
Not to mention the cost of it!! Our local cinema did that also...would have been ok for anyone that has a monthly ticket.

the were only taking three quid I think for the old movies, croc.    that wouldn't get you bag of Revels mind...

Originally Posted by Croctacus:
Last time 4 of us went to our local cinema and had a few sweets it cost over £60!


Criminal innit?    I take a carry in.. I'm tight.. 15 p for a bottle of water out of sainsbury's - or £2.75 out the fridge in the foyer...  tough call.

Originally Posted by Croctacus:

Yeah thats what Alfie did yesterday...but they check bags if you take them so he bought one drink in the cinema and had his pockets stuffed with sweets friom Sainsbury's.

They what???    Bloomin' eck!    What kind of nazi's run that cinema?  That's shocking - is that common?   Maybe they know better than to try that up here.


Its a cineworld! Bexleyheath.


The best cinema is a small one near my mother in law in Westgate on Sea....we went there last summer, 2 adults one child cost £10 between us....a huge drink was £1 as opposed to about £3.50 at the chain cinemas and sweets were normal price....oh and the screen was so tiny it had 33 seats in it...


Its one of those rare things, a family run privately owned cinema.

Originally Posted by Croctacus:

Its a cineworld! Bexleyheath.


The best cinema is a small one near my mother in law in Westgate on Sea....we went there last summer, 2 adults one child cost £10 between us....a huge drink was £1 as opposed to about £3.50 at the chain cinemas and sweets were normal price....oh and the screen was so tiny it had 33 seats in it...


Its one of those rare things, a family run privately owned cinema.

Yeah, there can't be many of them left nowadays - none here, although a community group has recently renovated an old bingo hall that was formerly a cinema and made it back into a cinema.  Haven't tried it out though, but it seems to be doing ok and the local school often arrange outings there with the kids.  I'm led to believe they've reinstalled the original seating though, that kinda puts me off.      Last time I was in one like you describe was in Greater Manchester... like stepping back in time right down to the red flock wallpaper and red velvet curtains across the screen.   (Popcorn tasted a bit mouldy mind... )


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