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If you read the original article in the Guardian........ They name a particular detective agency who with unusual methods sourced all manner of things Brown including medical and financial records. As luck would have it the boss is local to us and the regional TV repeated all the accusations. The guy concerned, rather than suing everyone, has made a "no comment" and didn't turn up for work. Like it or not, Brown is the victim here. The News International organisation and their useful idiots can throw as much mud as they want. It won't stick.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Mighty Quinn:

 it's all about things being hidden/forgotten in the initial scramble for truth. having said all that, i still have an open mind, just passing on gossip 

Putting my conspiracy theory hat on:

This sounds like black propaganda to me. It's far too dangerous for The Sun to attack Brown directly (and no one would believe them anyway), so they respond by "debunking" a claim that Brown never made in the first place, and then leak "spoiler" claims to others, letting them do the Sun's dirty work..

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Mighty Quinn:
Originally Posted by Antiope:
Originally Posted by Mighty Quinn:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Yea Slinki they are still despicable...stating that they didn't actually hack his son's medical records but got them from a "legitimate " source etc.This was still a child that had no "In the public interest"  etc,that they quote.Scumbags the lot of them.

word is that brown and his wife (she's a public relations master) approached news international with information about fraser's condition to give cystic fibrosis a boost in profile. they're all at it.


Word from who?



Quite a gamble coming out all upset if they approached News Corps themselves, no?

we're all gamblers at's all about the timing and knowing when to fold/hold. what's that term, zeitgeist? yeah, it's all about that. btw, good to see you back dude 

It is



Good to see some decent convo's as well. 

Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by Mighty Quinn:
Originally Posted by Antiope:
Originally Posted by Mighty Quinn:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Yea Slinki they are still despicable...stating that they didn't actually hack his son's medical records but got them from a "legitimate " source etc.This was still a child that had no "In the public interest"  etc,that they quote.Scumbags the lot of them.

word is that brown and his wife (she's a public relations master) approached news international with information about fraser's condition to give cystic fibrosis a boost in profile. they're all at it.


Word from who?



Quite a gamble coming out all upset if they approached News Corps themselves, no?

we're all gamblers at's all about the timing and knowing when to fold/hold. what's that term, zeitgeist? yeah, it's all about that. btw, good to see you back dude 

It is



Good to see some decent convo's as well. 


Mighty Quinn
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Mighty Quinn:

 it's all about things being hidden/forgotten in the initial scramble for truth. having said all that, i still have an open mind, just passing on gossip 

Putting my conspiracy theory hat on:

This sounds like black propaganda to me. It's far too dangerous for The Sun to attack Brown directly (and no one would believe them anyway), so they respond by "debunking" a claim that Brown never made in the first place, and then leak "spoiler" claims to others, letting them do the Sun's dirty work..

i'm dizzy! am just putting it out there that the former pm and his wife are not above the same subterfuge that the papers are accused of. i'm an outsider looking in for the most part and my detachment and lack of prime loyalty to this nation makes me question the agendas of all involved, even the apparent victims. brown could have and should have shouted shenanigans way before this all came to light. just saying.

Mighty Quinn
Originally Posted by Antiope:

Since he was ensconced in government at the time and (mistakenly) gave credence to the notion that the tabloids have any real power in the electoral decision-making prowess of the Great British Public I should have thought the motivation for remaining taciturn was not too difficulty to work out. 

it wasn't too difficulty {sic} but it coulda helped when the chips were down. they all feed off each other and now we're all seeing them eat themselves. who you want to believe and trust is up to you individually. like i said, i'm just cooking on a back burner.

Mighty Quinn
Originally Posted by Mighty Quinn:

i'm dizzy! am just putting it out there that the former pm and his wife are not above the same subterfuge that the papers are accused of. i'm an outsider looking in for the most part and my detachment and lack of prime loyalty to this nation makes me question the agendas of all involved, even the apparent victims. brown could have and should have shouted shenanigans way before this all came to light. just saying.

Oh, I definitely agree with you there, and to be fair Brown's (sort-of) acknowledging that. His official excuse is (as I understand it) that it's another example of the power Murdoch wields with everyone running scared of him - even the Chancellor. It's certainly plausible, if not exactly letting Brown off the hook. Make of it what you will...


However, I just can't see Brown deliberately making false claims agains The Sun: the risks of getting caught out would be just too great, and it's simply not Brown's style. Similarly, I can't see The Sun bothering to concoct a false defence (with again the risk of being caught-out) while the truth was actually more damaging to Brown...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Mighty Quinn:

i'm dizzy! am just putting it out there that the former pm and his wife are not above the same subterfuge that the papers are accused of. i'm an outsider looking in for the most part and my detachment and lack of prime loyalty to this nation makes me question the agendas of all involved, even the apparent victims. brown could have and should have shouted shenanigans way before this all came to light. just saying.

Oh, I definitely agree with you there, and to be fair Brown's (sort-of) acknowledging that. His official excuse is (as I understand it) that it's another example of the power Murdoch wields with everyone running scared of him - even the Chancellor. It's certainly plausible, if not exactly letting Brown off the hook. Make of it what you will...


However, I just can't see Brown deliberately making false claims agains The Sun: the risks of getting caught out would be just too great, and it's simply not Brown's style. Similarly, I can't see The Sun bothering to concoct a false defence (with again the risk of being caught-out) while the truth was actually more damaging to Brown...

eugene, you make a valid case. all of what you say is plausible and probable. all i'm saying is that all of them (lets call them the establishment for shorthand's sake) are busy building up cases and protecting their interests. all of them are in this to their necks and this is where public relations gurus rule the day. it would be lovely to be married to one like sarah macauley-brown who knows the lay of the land. 

Mighty Quinn

Oh dear, the US have got the hump now, too. Poor Murdy, couldn't have happened to a nicer fella




Phone hacking: pressure in United States to investigate News Corporation

Exclusive: A powerful Senate committee chairman has said that phone hacking raises "serious questions" about whether Rupert Murdoch's News Corp "has broken United States law".

Senator Jay Rockefeller is
Senator Jay Rockefeller is "concerned that the admitted phone hacking may have extended to 9/11 victims" Photo: GETTY IMAGES


The statement by Senator Jay Rockefeller, a White House ally and Democratic chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, dramatically raises the stakes for Mr Murdoch by signaling potential legal repercussions in America.

"The reported hacking by News Corporation newspapers against a range of individuals - including children - is offensive and a serious breach of journalistic ethics," he said in a statement issued following inquiries by The Daily Telegraph.


Full story here:


Originally Posted by Karma_:

Oh dear, the US have got the hump now, too. Poor Murdy, couldn't have happened to a nicer fella




Phone hacking: pressure in United States to investigate News Corporation

Exclusive: A powerful Senate committee chairman has said that phone hacking raises "serious questions" about whether Rupert Murdoch's News Corp "has broken United States law".

Senator Jay Rockefeller is
Senator Jay Rockefeller is "concerned that the admitted phone hacking may have extended to 9/11 victims" Photo: GETTY IMAGES


The statement by Senator Jay Rockefeller, a White House ally and Democratic chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, dramatically raises the stakes for Mr Murdoch by signaling potential legal repercussions in America.

"The reported hacking by News Corporation newspapers against a range of individuals - including children - is offensive and a serious breach of journalistic ethics," he said in a statement issued following inquiries by The Daily Telegraph.


Full story here:


Good good! Australia's talking about reviewing the press/ government relationship too..

Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

Just been reported that Ex NotW dep ed Neil Wallis was hired by Scot Yard Comm last year as consultant. Paid ÂĢ24,000.



Afternoon Meat n what was all that about over the road last night? Someone having a pop at you cos 'you English'?

Don't remind me... some bloody Corinthians fan from Brazil If you follow my twitter I often swear about football matters. I will soon need a swear box

Originally Posted by MrMincePie:
Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by MrMincePie:

Just been reported that Ex NotW dep ed Neil Wallis was hired by Scot Yard Comm last year as consultant. Paid ÂĢ24,000.



Afternoon Meat n what was all that about over the road last night? Someone having a pop at you cos 'you English'?

Don't remind me... some bloody Corinthians fan from Brazil If you follow my twitter I often swear about football matters. I will soon need a swear box

I nearly did a RT

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Per the BBC Radio news - Rupert Murdoch and James Murdoch have now agreed to attend the Department for Culture Media and Sport committee hearing next Tuesday, along with Rebekah Brooks.


The hearing is due to start at 2.30 and is likely to be on the BBC News channel.

Copied from the Grauniad .. 


Dear Mr Whittingdale,

I refer to the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee's request that my father and I attend the oral session on Tuesday 19 July at 2.30pm.

I am writing to confirm our attendance. I would like however to draw your attention to a few issues.

I hope that it is clear that we are committed to ensuring that the issues that have affected the News of World are fully investigated and dealt with appropriately and robustly.

To that end we have committed to full co-operation with the police inquiries that are under way and with the public inquiry to be led by Lord Justice Leveson that will begin its work shortly.

We, of course, also wish to co-operate fully with your Committee's consideration of these matters.

In the course of the investigations and inquiries now envisaged, all the relevant issues will undoubtedly be fully and effectively reviewed and, no doubt, many questions will be asked.

I am, however, very much concerned that we are now being asked to answer yet further questions in a different forum.

We have been advised that, in light of the fact that there are to be multiple reviews of the issues, this does carry the risk of prejudicing other judicial proceedings and in particular the ongoing police investigation and any potential subsequent prosecutions.

I would therefore respectfully ask you to take the utmost care in ensuring that the committee hearing does not run any risk of prejudicing that investigation and subsequent prosecutions.

I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely

James Murdoch


Cue lots of " Can't answer that question here" responses.. 


Paul O'Grady is the latest celebrity to discover that his phone was hacked by the News of the World.

The presenter, who hosts a Friday night chatshow on ITV1, revealed that the newspaper accessed his phone after he suffered a heart attack.

"The f**king b**tards hacked into my phone as I was dying of a heart attack. The cheek!" he told the Daily Star.

"They only needed to ask. I'm the gobbiest sh**e this side of London. It's the laziness that gets me. I'll sue if they have. They can pay for my new car, I tell you. Rotten, the lot of them."

He continued: "That poor Abi Titmuss. She's a lovely girl. Why would they do that to her? The list of people who've been hacked will grow and grow."

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

That would be hilarious if it wasn't so predictable...


Only a few days ago - just after Louise Mensch made accusations in Parliament against Piers Moron - Trinity Mirror came out with the statement: "Our journalists work within the criminal law and the Press Complaints Commission code of conduct."


At the time, Mensch picked up on the fact that the statement is carefully worded in the present tense: i.e. they're not actually saying that they always worked within the criminal law in the past.

However, it now looks as if things are even worse than that at the Mirror: why would they need to "review their procedures" if they were already confident of the good behaviour of their journalists?

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Smarting Buttocks:

Is it just me or are others cynical about Glen Mulcaire suddenly stating that he did not act alone  very shortly after the Murdoch empire stated they would be no longer be paying his legal fees.

No surprise: indeed it was predicted by quite a few at the time.

After all, there were very good reasons why NI had continued to pay his legal fees in the first place...

Eugene's Lair

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