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Big Brother on Channel 5 will not have a 24-hour live feed, according to digital director James Tatam.

Channel 5 and producer Endemol are instead working closely with mobile agency Mobile Interactive Group on a Facebook app that will have real-time news, extra video content and the ability to vote out housemates online.

Fans will be able to eliminate contestants using Facebook Credits, according to New Media Age.

Tatam apparently confirmed in the interview that plans for a 24-hour live feed have been shelved in place of a stream of video highlights on the Facebook page.

"It has become clear over the last year that social media sits side by side with watching TV, more so than traditional websites ever have," said Tatam.

Channel 5 is also in talks with YouTube "to extend the use of the platform beyond video content" and has launched a Big Brother Twitter feed. It also hopes to have mobile apps and an iPad app for catch-up player Demand 5 ready for the show's launch in six weeks' time.

Channel 4 axed the show's 24-hour live feed in 2009, but following a drop in ratings and complaints from fans, reinstalled it for the finale series last year.

Celebrity Big Brother airs on Channel 5 in August. The non-celebrity version follows in September.


that's it then. .BB is definitely dead. . well for those who were regular LF viewers maybe not so much for those who only watched the hugely edited HL shows..


. .am not into watching videos online on a regular basis. . I like continuous flow of live streaming... Ch4's videos rarely worked for me and those that did were often badly edited to tell a completely different story form the actual events..


bye bye BB. . ..


I need something to watch during the useless full of repeats summer schedules  grrrrr

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by erinp:

DS say there will be live feed in internet ÂĢ29.99.

That's a bit expensive

It is indeed. I pay about that much for a whole year's online membership to Xbox Live!! Not paying for a couple of months of stuttering live feed with fecking birdsong as a soundtrack.



I don't do Facebook, and I'm getting more pee'd off with all the companies and advertisers who seem to think everyone is on it and interested in it.


Bye bye BB.......I had faint hopes but Ch5 has killed it off already.

Originally Posted by Katerina:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by erinp:

There may well be a "free "feed,we had that last year,it was fun finding it everty time it got shut down.

 Yes, but in the end I got fed up and paid C4

I think I did that too

 Me too - and I'll pay C5 this year.  Not giving up on BB without a fight! 

Starfleet Admiral hoochie

This reply off DS at there being Live feed for a fee is totally unsubstantiated The poster over there just made made one post  and failed to reply to questions on where this came from.

Don't want to sound down but this news of no LF will be the death knell for BB on C5. Why don't they read the forums on what BB fans say the show needs? No LF = poor ratings and an end to BB forever. This is the beginning of the end for the new BB. They should have let it lie IMO. RIP BB.   .

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

that's it then. .BB is definitely dead. . well for those who were regular LF viewers maybe not so much for those who only watched the hugely edited HL shows..


. .am not into watching videos online on a regular basis. . I like continuous flow of live streaming... Ch4's videos rarely worked for me and those that did were often badly edited to tell a completely different story form the actual events..


bye bye BB. . ..


I need something to watch during the useless full of repeats summer schedules  grrrrr

I agree Olly, they've just lost any chance that I might have watched it.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

that's it then. .BB is definitely dead. . well for those who were regular LF viewers maybe not so much for those who only watched the hugely edited HL shows..


. .am not into watching videos online on a regular basis. . I like continuous flow of live streaming... Ch4's videos rarely worked for me and those that did were often badly edited to tell a completely different story form the actual events..


bye bye BB. . ..


I need something to watch during the useless full of repeats summer schedules  grrrrr

I agree Olly, they've just lost any chance that I might have watched it.

And voting on FB  using FB credits????? They are going too far in the wrong direction. Like i said above BB will now be dead in the water before it has started.


Channel 5 has reportedly axed plans to provide a 24/7 Big Brother live feed on its website, in favour of a ‘constant stream’ of video highlights.

According to new media age, the clips will form part of the show’s digital strategy, which will also include real-time news updates, greater use of social media, and for the first time, mobile apps.

NO LIVE FEED-- Apps and FB is no replacement for this. Bring back Castaway.
Originally Posted by Katerina:

I don't do Facebook, and I'm getting more pee'd off with all the companies and advertisers who seem to think everyone is on it and interested in it.


There was a general trend during the last of the C4 years that they were aiming for a younger audience, however the feedback from this year's auditions suggested that this would be the most age-targetted series ever, aiming at the under-24s. The recent news, particularly that concerning F*c*book(I mean to say - F*c*book Credits!?!?) pretty much confirms it.


I think we long-standing fans (not just here, but on other forums such as DS) have to accept that BB isn't aimed at us anymore. I'd put money on the "proper" series having the lowest average HM age ever, and I dread to think who C5/Endemol will drag out as "Celebrities" over the Summer...

Eugene's Lair

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