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Mine were allowed to play out from the age of about 5....they had to stay in our small road youngest is now 12....he is allowed to go off to all sorts of places on his own, swimming, cinema, football training, up the high street etc but when he just generally playing out of an evening after school he has to be in by 9pm but he stays in the vicinity...normally he's playing football on the green at the end of the road of at one of his mates houses.

Originally Posted by Baz:

We went out in the morning and in the summer got home about tea time........ but by the time my kids were born things had changed, and I was very cautious......

This.  I don't let mine go beyond the street and they have all sorts of rules whereas when I was a kid I let in the morning and went on my travels. To resevoirs and a 'pyramid' and fields and streams.  I'm not even that old but in the time between then and now things have got a lot scarier.


My late brother and I were allowed to go out and play for hours on end. We lived in a small town surrounded by beautiful countryside and often went with a group of kids on long rambles, and played in streams and the loch. The eldest child in the group (aged 13) was "in charge".

Things were a lot different when my sons were small - even though we live in a nice village. Once they had started school, they were allowed to play outside the garden (but still in the avenue) - and I could watch them from the window.

They weren't allowed to go further afield until they were much, much older.

It's changed days, I'm afraid.


My nephew hates being inside with a passion. Up with the larks gets his breakfast, washes, waits for his mum to appear and out till lunch. then back for dinner and during the summer she goes out to look for him around 9ish. He's usually over the green playing football or up at the water tower. of course if she has to go somewhere he's with her with a puss on his face and a lot of sighing.

He was trained from an early age to come back every half hour to check in, which he still kinda does ie getting his bike or football etc although it is getting longer and longer between check ins.

He's ten.


When my kids were starting to play out i used to make them come home every 10 mins at first then gradually increased it when i knew they would obey the rule, they were never alowed out with out their watches on!!  We still talk about that now and laugh, the youngest is 19 now!


When we were choosing names we used to imagine shouting the name from the step to see if it was ok (didn't want to be shouting a weird name)  in the end i never had to shout them they always came back on time, with a big crowd of friends just to say 'hi' and then 'bye'


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