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I wondered this very same question Aimee, as my eldest daughter starts A levels in September and she has a part time job (6 hours a week...) which she started 4 months ago.


Have a read of this hun.  Upshot is that as long as she stays in her full time education... your tax credits won't be affected. In fact, you don't actually even need to inform them.


Click on the line "if your child goes to work or goes on benefits"


It says this...


But your payments can continue if your child works and stays in full-time education or approved training.


So as I said, when they work, your tax credits will not be affected.ïŧŋ 

Originally Posted by sparkles:

I wondered this very same question Aimee, as my eldest daughter starts A levels in September and she has a part time job (6 hours a week...) which she started 4 months ago.


Have a read of this hun.  Upshot is that as long as she stays in her full time education... your tax credits won't be affected. In fact, you don't actually even need to inform them.

Thanks for that, i'll have a read of it later


That's OK hun.  Like I said, no need to worry. I did wonder myself as I was worried that we may have to declare our daughter earning 40 quid a week ... but as long as they continue at their A levels; it doesn't affect anything.  Pretty cool huh?  Means you don't have to fork out so much for the little blighters if they have a bit of their own money!    I am pretty sure there isnt a limit too.  So even of they were earning 80 quid, it still makes no difference.


I've seen this on the tax credit website:


"If your circumstances change, you will need to contact the Tax Credit Office as soon as possible, as this could affect the amount of money being paid to you.
Change of circumstances include:

  • If your child leaves home or you start looking after a child
  • A child goes to live with someone else
  • Your child leaves full time education or approved training before the 31 August following their 16th Birthday
  • Your child starts training that is provided as part of their job
  • Your child gets a paid job, and they work 24 hours of more a week which for which is paid
  • Your child makes their own claim for benefits or tax credits

If the change in circumstances are not reported, you may receive too much Child Tax Credit and have to pay it back. You may also be charged a penalty for not notifying the Tax Credit office.

It is recommend that you call the Child Tax Credits office as soon as possible to report a change in Circumstances: 0844 496 6511."

El Loro

Hi El Loro  


I think that is only if they don't stay in full time education... as long as they still stay on at college; it doesnt affect the tax credits if they work. 


If you click the that says "if your child starts work or goes on benefits" on this link.. If it takes you part way down the page, cliick your 'home' button to have it take you to the top of the page., and you will see what I mean.


As Sparkle says Aimee as long as she is at college/in full time education you get it up till she is 19....and you do not need to notify them.....but make sure they know she is still in education...they cocked up mine by thinking my daughter had left school when she hadn't...mind you it was over year before I realised but the ÂĢ2500 back payment I got was worth it!

Originally Posted by Croctacus:

As Sparkle says Aimee as long as she is at college/in full time education you get it up till she is 19....and you do not need to notify them.....but make sure they know she is still in education...they cocked up mine by thinking my daughter had left school when she hadn't...mind you it was over year before I realised but the ÂĢ2500 back payment I got was worth it!

I've had the letter from them and from child benefit wanting too know what she's doing next but i can't give them the information they want until daughter get's her start date etc, they have gave me till the 1st September for the detail's though


Has EMA stopped altogether now then?

Originally Posted by sparkles:

That's OK hun.  Like I said, no need to worry. I did wonder myself as I was worried that we may have to declare our daughter earning 40 quid a week ... but as long as they continue at their A levels; it doesn't affect anything.  Pretty cool huh?  Means you don't have to fork out so much for the little blighters if they have a bit of their own money!    I am pretty sure there isnt a limit too.  So even of they were earning 80 quid, it still makes no difference.

It is good cause i know what she's like  my money would stop and she would have money in her pocket and still be asking me for money

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Croctacus:
Ema finishes with the current year 13s Aimee.

Oh  daughter seemed too think it was starting back up again, she does think the college will help with bus passes, as she will need too catch 4 buses in one day and there is no way i can budget for that, unless i don't eat

Hi Aimee.  Is there such a thing as a student buspass where you are from???: I think it's called an oyster card in London..... She can probably get a pass for the whole week for the price of 5 to 8 rides or something...  4 buses though?!  That's extreme; it must take her 2 hours to get there by bus!    How far is it from where you live?  In most cases, colleges tend to be within 10 miles of someone's home, It may be worth having a word with a few taxi companies to see if you could perhaps do a deal with them to take her every day.

Originally Posted by sparkles:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Croctacus:
Ema finishes with the current year 13s Aimee.

Oh  daughter seemed too think it was starting back up again, she does think the college will help with bus passes, as she will need too catch 4 buses in one day and there is no way i can budget for that, unless i don't eat

Hi Aimee.  Is there such a thing as a student buspass where you are from???: I think it's called an oyster card in London..... She can probably get a pass for the whole week for the price of 5 to 8 rides or something...  4 buses though?!  That's extreme; it must take her 2 hours to get there by bus!    How far is it from where you live?  In most cases, colleges tend to be within 10 miles of someone's home, It may be worth having a word with a few taxi companies to see if you could perhaps do a deal with them to take her every day.

She's got an Open day next week so hopefully we will get all the information we need then, her college is about 4 miles away but she will have too catch a bus into town and then another one out to the college and then the same back, it should take her about an hour there and back, thanks for all the info it's been very helpful

Originally Posted by longcat:

I would just like to say if your not sure always get in touch with the Tax Credit office otherwise you could finish up owing them money. I speak from experience. Even though I thought I told them everything I still ended up having to pay back a lot of money.

Thanks Longcat, i will go in touch with them once i have all the information i need, i didn't want too ask them before she got a job incase they started thinking she was working before she actually was

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by sparkles:
Hi Aimee.  Is there such a thing as a student buspass where you are from???: I think it's called an oyster card in London..... She can probably get a pass for the whole week for the price of 5 to 8 rides or something...  4 buses though?!  That's extreme; it must take her 2 hours to get there by bus!    How far is it from where you live?  In most cases, colleges tend to be within 10 miles of someone's home, It may be worth having a word with a few taxi companies to see if you could perhaps do a deal with them to take her every day.

She's got an Open day next week so hopefully we will get all the information we need then, her college is about 4 miles away but she will have too catch a bus into town and then another one out to the college and then the same back, it should take her about an hour there and back, thanks for all the info it's been very helpful

I got free bus travel when I was at 6th form college They'll tell her all this at the Open Day, and if not, check with the bus company


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