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Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

well off to the pub-i repeat off to the pub

Going to the pub is wrong.

I think you should get round the kitchen table and have a coffee.

Both  sides of your brain are behaving in a reckless and provocative manner.


And repeat.


And repeat.


And repeat. 

heehee back from the pub where we discussed this vid-heehee back from the..well you know the rest

just watched it again

its really odd yet amusing


i came back to watch the tennis cos i cant see the big screen tv in the pub-my eyesight is a bit crap

so i sorta stood nearly under the telly in the pub so i could see but then some smartarse shouted out that even if i got that close i still wouldnt be able to see under the ladies skirts

i went very red

OH pissed herself laughing

i came home

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

and we've got a new cooker-put a pizza in-didnt realise it would cook so quick-moved the tray inside-it fell on the flames, i dropped the tray thing its burnt a line in the floor, my pizza meanwhile has caught fire-smoke alarm has gone off, the dogs have gone beserk-pizza is as black as a cats knackers

no tea


Told you, you should have stayed at the pub! 

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

and we've got a new cooker-put a pizza in-didnt realise it would cook so quick-moved the tray inside-it fell on the flames, i dropped the tray thing its burnt a line in the floor, my pizza meanwhile has caught fire-smoke alarm has gone off, the dogs have gone beserk-pizza is as black as a cats knackers

no tea


Told you, you should have stayed at the pub! 

oooh you fibber


It saddens me to say but Labour picked a wrong 'un in Ed Milband.  He was my second choice for leader after Burnham, but he's just hasn't got it. 


I was pleased when he beat David Miliband but I got bored listening to his acceptance speech.  I really wanted him to do well because at first it seemed like at last the party had someone from the left of the party with ideas.  How wrong was I there!


My vague memory of Labour leaders goes back to Harold Wilson and I can recall Jim Callaghan, Michael Foot, Neil Kinnock, John Smith, Tony Blair (before he turned evil) and Gordon Brown.  All of them looked the part and acted the part more than the android like Ed Milband.  Michael Foot might have been out of touch and led Labour to disastrous defeat, but at least he was an idealist and man of principles, with Ed, he just seems to have the same lack of political grounding that Clegg has. If only that was all, he also looks like a rabbit in the headlights every time he faces situations where he needs to communicate.


It's fascinating! I gave Ed both my votes on the basis that any son of Ralph would have a reasonably left wing approach. Alas we have another suit with advisors, and the crisis of hegemony continues. As I said before..... In the next century historians will call this period, The Thatcherite era. I know that the Tories cry Crocodile tears about the last few years but deep down I doubt that they have any complaints about Brown and Blair. The Tories have never had it so good.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
It's fascinating! I gave Ed both my votes on the basis that any son of Ralph would have a reasonably left wing approach. Alas we have another suit with advisors, and the crisis of hegemony continues. As I said before..... In the next century historians will call this period, The Thatcherite era. I know that the Tories cry Crocodile tears about the last few years but deep down I doubt that they have any complaints about Brown and Blair. The Tories have never had it so good.

Surely said tongue in cheek, one can only hope.

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
It's fascinating! I gave Ed both my votes on the basis that any son of Ralph would have a reasonably left wing approach. Alas we have another suit with advisors, and the crisis of hegemony continues. As I said before..... In the next century historians will call this period, The Thatcherite era. I know that the Tories cry Crocodile tears about the last few years but deep down I doubt that they have any complaints about Brown and Blair. The Tories have never had it so good.

Spot on Garage Joe, Since winning on a leftwing ticket,  Ed seems have thought "Left of the party, me?  I love good old Maggie T as much as the next neo-Thatcherite"


The Tories have never had it so good in the sense that Labour were really care-taking for them.   I suppose from their point of view, there's no substitute for really having power and taking all those nice directorships, consultancies and lobby fees. 


But you're right, the Tories wanted the banks to be lightly regulated - they were, taxes to stay low for the rich - they did, the rich to cream off almost all the profits from the good times - they did, the public sector to be thrown to the private sector bit by bit - it was, PFI deals to make private industry fatcats richer - there were!


Once those policies eniviably failed they came riding in to save the nation from the very dogma they approved of and quietly plan the next phase of the more of the same.


We now have the genuine bunch of Thatcherite suits running things rather than the crypto-Thatcherites of Labour. 


Sad times!

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by erinp:

For Pirate

Like this

stock photo : american cocker spaniel dressed up like a pirate



my greyhounds look very proud in ther 'chiefs

OH tends to walk behind

i think its got something to do with dogs and NOTHING to do with me wearing a hat similar to the one the dog in the pic above is sporting

Yes definately the Dogs Pirate


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