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I'm going to start driving lessons again.  I did around 30 (yes 30) 5 years ago and just never got the hang of it at all.  Towards the end of the 30 lessons I'd end up in tears because I just wasn't getting any better and my instructor was really frustrated with me after I nearly rammed the back of a parked car and kept stalling at roundabouts so I gave up.  I had been pregnant for the first half of the lessons and had a newborn for the 2nd half so maybe that didn't help my confidence on the road so I'm going to try again.


Thing is, it takes soooooo bloody long to finally go for the test and I have very little patience.


Can you drive and how long did you take lessons for?

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Originally Posted by stonks:

I had 6 lessons and passed first time but I had a motorbike before that so that helped....have you ever considered just going for the automatic my aunty did that, the only thing is you will only ever be able to drive an automatic on that license..Good luck....

My OH had an automatic but has switched to a manual now  


6 lessons   I doubt I'll be allowed out of a carpark after my 6th lesson   last time my OH hadn't had his license long enough to allow me to practice in his car with him so I'm hoping inbetween lessons he can let me practice (that's allowed isn't it?) so I can get the hang of it a bit quicker.  I keep thinking I am one of those people who just won't ever drive but with the OH working all day the car is sitting outside doing nothing and I could be driving it so I'm giving it a shot.


The thought of learning to drive scared the life out of me, and I didn't take lessons until I was 31.  I think I had about ten (1 hour) lessons with a driving instructor, but I also had extra lessons with my (very patient and brave) brother.

I think the secret is to find an instructor who is able to guage your confidence levels and gently push you along. I even managed to pass first time!

If I can do it, so can you Ella.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

The thought of learning to drive scared the life out of me, and I didn't take lessons until I was 31.  I think I had about ten (1 hour) lessons with a driving instructor, but I also had extra lessons with my (very patient and brave) brother.

I think the secret is to find an instructor who is able to guage your confidence levels and gently push you along. I even managed to pass first time!

If I can do it, so can you Ella.

That's good to hear Yogi. I'm looking for another instructor now and will hopefully start next week.  I'm not looking for a miracle but just don't want to waste another 30 lessons getting nowhere

Originally Posted by EllaBella:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

The thought of learning to drive scared the life out of me, and I didn't take lessons until I was 31.  I think I had about ten (1 hour) lessons with a driving instructor, but I also had extra lessons with my (very patient and brave) brother.

I think the secret is to find an instructor who is able to guage your confidence levels and gently push you along. I even managed to pass first time!

If I can do it, so can you Ella.

That's good to hear Yogi. I'm looking for another instructor now and will hopefully start next week.  I'm not looking for a miracle but just don't want to waste another 30 lessons getting nowhere

You can do it, Ella.


Ella, i was like you. I started learning to drive when i was 24. I gave up for a year, like you, i was frustrated and just could NOT get my head round it. Then i came back to it all determined, and got a new instructor, again it was very hit and miss, He told me i could take my test and i bumbled into it and failed.  Realised that i really wasn't getting it and so waited again before starting AGAIN with a new instructor.  He was such an unassuming bloke, he had loads of troubles in his life and was sleeping on his mates couch. His wife had kicked him out and he missed his kids. One of the most down to earth blokes i ever met. He was also a totally natural teacher, he had no idea how good he was.  in about 6 lessons he was saying to me, I think you should go in for that test again you know.  I did and i passed. He taught me more in that 6 or so lessons than all the others had managed in years.


everything became crystal clear and it clicked. I think the right teacher is the key.


In all i probably had over 50 lessons before i got that instructor and finally passed my test when i was 29, so it took me 6 years.


I had 35 odd lessons years ago but my instructor only ever did one turn in the road, one reversing round a corner with me and we seem to just be driving around to and from his clients.


Just down a little way from my house is a set of traffic lights with a feeder road off to the right from an industrial estate.  One day the lights changed from red to green and I moved off but someone from the feeder road was speeding to make the lights on their side and took the entire back of the car I was in off.  I was so shaken by the incident I never got back in a car again to drive - that was about 20 years ago 


I'm considering doing lessons again but I need a disabled school and I can't find one near where I live   If I did drive, it would have to be automatic.  Bloomin' lessons are so expensive now as well!!! 


I passed my practical first time,with only 3 minor points!! and my theory, which you need (or used to need) 30/35 First time I got 29!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! passed it second time though!!


HOWEVER, My Nan didn't take her driving test til she was 70!!!!!!!!!!111 only on an auto mind, but she passed first time!!!! Shes 90 now, and only just thinking about giving driving!!


And then, well, then there is my Mum, she passed in the end after about 7 tests, and if she can do it...You can, Ella!! Trust me on that one!!

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I failed 4 tests and passed on the 5th I took lessons for a year and got on great but got shaky leg syndrome on my tests After the 4th fail I had a 6 month break, then passed straight away I'd advise anyone to not give up, go at a pace that's right for YOU and you will get there

Good advice, and get the instructor that's right for YOU.  My hubby and I learned to drive at the same time with different instructors, his was very gentle and calm which he needed and mine was a right show-off but a very good driver and knew how to motivate me.


Neither my parents or brother ever drove, and I didn't start to learn until I was 39. I was taught by someone who would only let people take their test when she considered that they were ready. I took regular lessons for about 6 months before she thought I was ready. On the morning of the test she gave me a final lesson where I was thinking more of the test rather then the lesson and she asked if I wanted to go ahead with the test. I said I did.


There were about 6 of us taking tests that morning. After my test, she said that she had been getting rather concerned as I was the last of the 6 to return and one by one they came back to say that they had failed. But I had passed at the first attempt, thus maintaining her 90% success rate.

El Loro

I had two weeks intensive IN AN AUTOMATIC - and failed. I just think I'm not cut out to drive - I anticipate things happening before they do - if there's a horse frolicking in a field I assume it's gonna jump the fence in front of me. If kids are playing in the front garden with a shut gate - I just know that they'll suddenly open it and dash out into the road.


I'm a great back seat driver though - you only have to ask my husband . I ooooooooooh and aaaaaah and shout look out in all the right places.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I had two weeks intensive IN AN AUTOMATIC - and failed. I just think I'm not cut out to drive - I anticipate things happening before they do - if there's a horse frolicking in a field I assume it's gonna jump the fence in front of me. If kids are playing in the front garden with a shut gate - I just know that they'll suddenly open it and dash out into the road.


I'm a great back seat driver though - you only have to ask my husband . I ooooooooooh and aaaaaah and shout look out in all the right places.

  Yes, yes and yes!  I assume that if I see children playing then one is going to hide behide a car and pop out at the wrong time or that man on the moterbike is going to come skidding off and I'm going to drive over him and lots of other scary thoughts.  But I'm great at pointing out my OH's faults when driving.  Although I have stopped him from having an accident twice which can't be all bad


I can't drive. I got my provisional licence 10 years ago(it's about to run out I think), but have never booked lessons. I think I'm scared that I won't concentrate enough.....I'm quite unobservant and accident prone at the best of times and I have no confidence that I'd be any good.


Sometimes I hate getting public transport though. You lot have inspired me a bit......maybe I should take the plunge and try one or two lessons.

Originally Posted by Katerina:

I can't drive. I got my provisional licence 10 years ago(it's about to run out I think), but have never booked lessons. I think I'm scared that I won't concentrate enough.....I'm quite unobservant and accident prone at the best of times and I have no confidence that I'd be any good.


Sometimes I hate getting public transport though. You lot have inspired me a bit......maybe I should take the plunge and try one or two lessons.

I say go for it Katerina, if you pass your test just think of all the freedom you'll have to just be able to get in the car and go.


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