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Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Har har, I suspect head surgeons etc think they are gods anyway,mere politicians are beneath them.

  He is probably right!

Who could the world do better without?  Another born to rule Oxbridge suit with the same degree subjects and on the same gravy train as the next born to rule Oxbridge suit, or a life saving surgeon?    Not too difficult to work out in my opinion!


Agree Carnelian,I remember years ago when I  broke my wrist I was kept in overnight because they had to reset it twice and they wanted to monitor the swelling in case of loss of blood supply to the fingers etc,I was in a bed with me right arm raised all night.  Any way the senior orthopedic surgeon came round about 11.00 the next day,examined my  plaster and tutted,got out a felt tip pen and drew a few semi circles  on the cast and barked "Cut this here and here!" said to me " keep the cast dry my dear!" He had about six white coated docs scuttling after him.

Originally Posted by Smarting Buttocks:

It seems the camera crew were the ones who were asked to go rather than DC and NC.

That's because DC and NC were following the hospital's hygene protocols, but the TV crew weren't. Notice that Dave and Nick have their sleeves rolled up and have taken their ties off, but the TV reporter is wearing a suit. That's what the surgeon was complaining about. The reporter refers to this when he says "we hadn't prepared properly."

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by sparkles:

I am not a fan of Cameron or Clegg now for that matter, but found this unceccessary.  The guy who chucked them out, looked like a rude old git.  What was wrong with just asking them politely to leave? 

TBH, I can understand why he might have been a bit narked. Hospitals are continually getting stick from politicians and journalists over cleanliness issues, both of whom often don't understand just what's involved.

Remember the 2005 election? Michael Howard's Tories ran a poster campaign that read "Just how hard is it to keep a hospital clean anyway?", to which practically every hospital professional replied "Bloody hard, actually." Then when Howard went campaigning on that issue, he broke hospital rules by not washing his hands...


And here once again we have both politicians and journalists apparently prepared to turn a blind eye to a hospital's hygene requirements for the sake of a photo op...

Eugene's Lair

Again hospital staff can't force folk to wash hands etc.(They should be able to!)There are hand cleansing units etc outside every ward/room.A couple pf years ago I was kept in overnight for tests etc,acute admissions..come visiting time  only two or three folk used the cleansing washes. This was when MRSA etc was all over the news,I mentioned this to the senior charge nurse that very few were using the hygeine washes etc,etc.He stated tell me about it,we can't enforce it on ordinary wards etc,but they get the the blame if anything goes wrong,bugs/infection etc.


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