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if youre wanting a doggy-dont go for a cute puppy-adopt a lovely idle greyhound-probably not if you have a cat/rabbit/other little things

but great with kids

you dont have to take them for mega walks/runs

theyve done all that

they want sleeps, cuddles and love

adopt one now

and it will save them being all alone

in a little kennel

and no-one to love them

greyhound trusts really look after them

but theres no place like home

your home?

best dogs ever



i just read summat about greyhounds being abandoned or killed


so i thought i'd big the greyhounds up

and try and help get them a home


thats all

Replies sorted oldest to newest

there are 3 or 4 round here...  (all adopted from greyhound rescue)  & they are lovely dogs...  


& its true..  they don't require much exercising at all!



My cairn has the hots for one of the lady greyhounds..   but he has to stand on his back legs to reach her bum to sniff  ..     pretty gross..  but also very funny to watch 


What a brilliant thread!  I am a greyhound owner (ex racer) and they are the best dogs to own!  They are gentle, Lazy(!), kind dogs who really deserve to have good homes when they retire.


Some greys are cat friendly, my Roxy is, she is great with my 3 cats, letting them basically climb all over her, eat from her dish and not letting her near the fire, you can always check with your local RGT regarding this as they will help to find a dog which suits your lifestyle, or if you are not in a position to own a grey, you can adopt a dog in kennels or go to your local RGT kennels and help walk them.


I used to have this in my sig (must put it back) and to me it sums up how I feel about these lovely, gentle dogs 30mph couch potatoes


"Adopting a greyhound won't change the world...... but the world will surely change for that one greyhound"

â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!

I'm not a dog lover really but my cousins son 'houses and trains greyhounds for owners' sometimes they're discarded cousin (his mum) takes then in. When I was visiting her last year she mentioned the dogs in a phone call before I arrived (I admit - I was a bit ooooooooooh). Couldn't believe what lovely, gentle dogs they were .............certainly changed my opinion!

Soozy Woo

Soozy, they are the most gentle dogs you would ever want to meet, I always call them the gentle giants, they are great to walk on the lead as they are used to it, the only problem is if they see small furry things, because even if they love cats in the house, outside they are fair game to be chased! 


Roxy, my dog is walked twice a day for 30 minutes each time, they don't have to be walked for this length of time, it's just that she has her run in the morning in a secure park, by that I mean that it is enclosed and I can see her at all times and in the afternoon she has her walk in the park where she meets all her friends and fan club!  Kids especially seem to love greys and greys love kids, I have to be careful when she first meets them as kids love to just run to her and she can get a bit nervous leaning into my legs, but as soon as she has seen them, that is it.... fuss starts!  My Roxy is a brindle and a little girl by us used to call her her "tiger dog"


Anyone that is interested, please have a look at this website and if you can rehome a dog, please think about it.

â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I've not gone out and got one but .............i've fallen in love with a few greyhounds on the web pages. Some of them are just gorgeous (and that's from someone who isn't a dog lover).

great aren't they

trouble is most of the black ones dont get chosen because theyre not as 'pretty' as the brindle,grey etc..ones

i picked the one that liked me..she came up and smiled (i thought she was snarling at first!) gave me a lick on the nose and it was love at first sight lol (shes a black dog)

so i let her pick the other dog-she went straight to this dopey big handsome thing and legged it with him-he's black aswell

pair of idle b*stards they are-we get on well

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I can't have one (though I'd love to), but I will find out about the charity and donate something monthly.

thats great cologne

you can sponsor one

have a look at your local RGT website

i dont get passionate about many things-but greyhounds are one


blondie is the other

but your ok, you dont have to sponsor blondie

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

well i did say id keep bumping the thread and when youve all gone out and got a greyhound-i'll stop bumping lol

Pirate, I'd love to have a dog (and reading this thread I think I would quite like a greyhound)  but it's just not possible as I'm out at work all day and it just isn't fair 


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