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Originally Posted by ッmufッ:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
how was module 5???? 

Bit like 1 and 3 but on Viagra © in "HARD!!!!!"


modules 1 and 3 are easy - it's module 5 that's the hard one 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by ッmufッ:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
how was module 5???? 

Bit like 1 and 3 but on Viagra © in "HARD!!!!!"


modules 1 and 3 are easy - it's module 5 that's the hard one 

Well the none-calc paper was

Thankfully I figured out how to do f(x) on the calculator 3 days before the exam which came in for 5 questions and saved me a load of time . It was the time allowed on module 5 that caused me all the problems not the questions...and the stoopid b****h who was running the exam finished the exam 5 mins early for the none calc paper

Ensign Muf
Originally Posted by ッmufッ:

Just sat my GCSE maths Emms and I feel like someone has kicked me in the brain

Think I'll have next year out as a gap year

It wasn't me 


What a great idea, work your socks off, then take a year out.  


You can go travelling 

Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Ducky:

Welcome to our little club Moomin.


Tried to get Duds up for college this morning.....once again he insisted he could revise just as well at home. I didn't have time to just made sure he was out of bed and left him to it. I asked him how much he did when I got home......"plenty" he a rather unconvincing voice.


One week, two days to go........ 


Did you ever wonder what particular sentences gets through to them?  I often think i could have saved my breath a few times.. some hard thought out sensible advice just never go's in, i wish i knew in advance so i wouldn't have to bloody bother  


*Takes your smiley for today.. *


ahh thats better 



Originally Posted by Ducky:

I'm not used to talking about Duds in full view of the's usually "hidden" away in the Darnies and the Ship. Can I just point out that Duds is a nickname.....not his real name. He is NOT called Dudley or 'owt.


(no offence to the Dudley's of the world...)



   A bit more exposure will be fine. 

Ev (Peachy)

Expecting no 2 son home from his exam any time now (resit Sociology A2).

I picked my moment carefully this morning - not too soon after he got up nor too close to when he was leaving ie when he was still not awake/too busy getting ready to broach the subject "how do you feel about today?"

His reply was "Not as ready"

Dare I ask for more information?

"not as ready as what?"

"not as ready as last time"

"what - as last time you took it?"( Bearing in mind that it is a RESIT so if he isn't going to do better then what is the point?)

"no not as ready as Monday" ( the last time he took an exam)


What the fiddlin' heck am I aupposed to understand by that conversation?

6 days to go!!!!!!!


It went ok Sprout..... but I'll let Ditty give you the details.  


It's still stressy in the Ducky household. Duds had been in to college everyday this week except Tuesday. He's impressed the college librarians with his dedication, cos one of them lives next door to my mum and mentioned to her how he was the only student in there most days


I'm still sooooooooo worried though! He has all four of his A2 exams next that doesn't leave a lot of time....and he still can't seem to work at home on I'm worried how much he will get done at the weekend! 


One week to go.....

Originally Posted by Ducky:

It went ok Sprout..... but I'll let Ditty give you the details.  


It's still stressy in the Ducky household. Duds had been in to college everyday this week except Tuesday. He's impressed the college librarians with his dedication, cos one of them lives next door to my mum and mentioned to her how he was the only student in there most days


I'm still sooooooooo worried though! He has all four of his A2 exams next that doesn't leave a lot of time....and he still can't seem to work at home on I'm worried how much he will get done at the weekend! 


One week to go.....

Hang in there Ducky  Sometime peeps can pull it out of the bag you know 


Not for me they're not!!


I was just talking to her on FB & she posted this 


"theyre going alright... just 2 left... chemistry tomorrow... which will decide my fate... then physics monday, which i only have to get a low c in...


think i might have got the a* in maths... at least i checked the mark scheme and i average 93 in both, so fingers crossed"


FINGERS CROSSED?    I am clinging onto my sanity by a thread..    fingers crossed doesn't really cover it 



I just want it to be over tooooooo!



I have "its all over" envy

Originally Posted by Ducky:

You remember that spider catcher thing you keep recommending to me? Wouldn't have been much use tonight would it?

not really!


would have been funny as hell watching you try to use it though..   its longer than your arm 


Your cats needs a performance monitoring interview Ducky..   isn't it part of their job to catch spiders & stuff?



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