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Originally Posted by squiggle:

Its not a million but my hubby (who used to work for the Post Office) did find a mail bag full of used notes (ÂĢ40,000) which had been left off a Post Office Security van.  He handed it straight in and I would have been disappointed and furious with him if he hadn't. He got ÂĢ20 reward

That made me smile.

I would have handed it in, too.

Stolen money comes with bad karma, I'd have handed it in too. I cut hair for a lad who works in a well known local bar, and I know for a fact they keep money from lost wallets & purses! They tell the owners who come looking that they found it, but there was nothing in it.. then share out the cash between themselves! Last month he bragged of making ÂĢ600 so far Disgraceful!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Stolen money comes with bad karma, I'd have handed it in too. I cut hair for a lad who works in a well known local bar, and I know for a fact they keep money from lost wallets & purses! They tell the owners who come looking that they found it, but there was nothing in it.. then share out the cash between themselves! Last month he bragged of making ÂĢ600 so far Disgraceful!



That's a horrible thing to do!  I hope they get no pleasure from spending it ~ but never mind, what goes round comes round and they will suffer financial loss X 10.  They won't be so smug then.


As for the million, I can't think of anything I'd be prepared to do to earn that much.  It's bound to be illegal or indecent and I'm a boring ol' git lol.

Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by sprout:

What's a million though Rexi 

Nice house here, nice house by the coast, car, kids uni fees, retirement ...


Not much really

But wouldn't you like to sort the rest of your family out too........if they get some, it takes away from the rest    

Well, you. know .. if there was a few bob left ..


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