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Originally Posted by jacksonb:

custard creams and greggs pies do not a millionaire make.


the parents shown may not be the most devoted scimpers and scrapers ever born, they may even be incomptetent, maybe they had  incompetent parents too,who knows, but  you guys maybe the best at feeding your  families on  whatever  the  dole money is now,  some of these parents clearly weren' many congatulations to you  and well done.the  fact remains that in one  of the wealthiset   countries on earth , families do not have enough knowledge or money to feed their kids is  a  grave indictment of us all.

the life chances of thses kids is curtailed and maybe even determined by the time they are 5, and most will  achieve nothing.a  few will rise  above it and make good and those are the ones that are held  up to the public gaze  to show its really not so bad.


 but in truth, is is.

Yes - I agree with all that ^^^^^^^^^^ In this day and age it's shameful that kids live lives like this. Blame the parents as much as you like but it's the chidren who suffer and it's almost unbearable to watch stuff like that 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

custard creams and greggs pies do not a millionaire make.


the parents shown may not be the most devoted scimpers and scrapers ever born, they may even be incomptetent, maybe they had  incompetent parents too,who knows, but  you guys maybe the best at feeding your  families on  whatever  the  dole money is now,  some of these parents clearly weren' many congatulations to you  and well done.the  fact remains that in one  of the wealthiset   countries on earth , families do not have enough knowledge or money to feed their kids is  a  grave indictment of us all.

the life chances of thses kids is curtailed and maybe even determined by the time they are 5, and most will  achieve nothing.a  few will rise  above it and make good and those are the ones that are held  up to the public gaze  to show its really not so bad.


 but in truth, is is.

Yes - I agree with all that ^^^^^^^^^^ In this day and age it's shameful that kids live lives like this. Blame the parents as much as you like but it's the chidren who suffer and it's almost unbearable to watch stuff like that 

I think the title of this  thread is very adapt *poor kids* that's the way i feel anyway, i feel for them, the money is there but obviously the parent's aren't spending it in the right way

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

custard creams and greggs pies do not a millionaire make.


the parents shown may not be the most devoted scimpers and scrapers ever born, they may even be incomptetent, maybe they had  incompetent parents too,who knows, but  you guys maybe the best at feeding your  families on  whatever  the  dole money is now,  some of these parents clearly weren' many congatulations to you  and well done.the  fact remains that in one  of the wealthiset   countries on earth , families do not have enough knowledge or money to feed their kids is  a  grave indictment of us all.

the life chances of thses kids is curtailed and maybe even determined by the time they are 5, and most will  achieve nothing.a  few will rise  above it and make good and those are the ones that are held  up to the public gaze  to show its really not so bad.


 but in truth, is is.

Well said.Add to that some families have support moral and sometimes financial from extended family or the absent parent,some are left to flounder and struggle ,some are aware of other help they can obtain from charities,some aren't .It's all to easy to criticise but as in many things in life things may not be as cut as dried as it seems, I do applaud those who do mange but can't or won't criticise or attempt to belittle those who struggle .


I have to agree that blaming these particular parents doesn't help matters. They all seemed caring, to me, and doing the best they could for their kids.


Yes, they may have not had the right advice about what they could claim and maybe they weren't the best at budgeting, but they all came across as loving, caring parents, who simply couldn't afford to 'treat' their kids. All four kids were bright and had more 'political' understanding and empathy for others than most adults I meet and that's what really touched me.


Apart from wishing for more provision of safer and pleasant housing, I wish there was more emphasis on teaching others kids not to judge them on what they are wearing and whether they look 'poor' or not. That little girl who said that her family went on holidays abroad, because they weren't afraid of heights made me laugh, but I loved the way she wasn't judgemental of her friend, simply for being poor.


I just find it sad that I feel no progress has been made since I came over here and that was 1979. Even then the population was told that they never had it so good, even though that was just after the Winter of Discontend. The poor and the rich were an abyss apart and I can't see anything different now. We are still talking about the North/South devide. Well yawn. How difficult can it be to look at this country and put the money were it's needed. Sounds a bit federal, but then I am German.

cologne 1

I don't think I put them down at any time. I have been that family. I learned the hard way and taught myself how to budget. These families are being let down they are not being told what they are entitled to and they are not being taught how to use what they have to help themselves.

It should be taught at an early age in schools. We teach people lot's of things but we don't teach them life skills.



My post wasn't aimed at anyone in this thread,sorry if it came across that way....Blizz agree with your post ,sums it all up well for me tbh,those kids were absolute little darlings I find it extremely sad that with so many things stacked against them they may not be in a position to achieve what they possibly could in different circumstances.Hearing one little girl say she'd always be poor made me think at such a young age she's accepted her destiny in life,It shouldn't have to be that way those children are as precious and important as those at the other end of the social spectrum and should be treated as such.

Longcat you're right those families are being let down,let down badly, and with some guidance they may well be able to manage what little they got a little better.


 That was heartbreaking to watch I agree with Blizzie's post above ^^ financially with everything going up and all these cuts not enough jobs/houses etc unfortunately  it is going  to get worse  for the most vulnerable this video has been an eye opener,  all of the children were lovely and did not expect or want much from life only a decent home/clothes to keep them warm and enough food to eat I did not know wether to smile or cry when the boy at the end said he would be getting free school dinners and it would save his dad ÂĢ10 a week as that was a lot of money,God Bless him    


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