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remember whe you recorded the top 20 on your tape recorder the annie nightingale came on after?

and your ma/pa would ALWAYS interupt your recording-talking in a foreign language telling you it was teatime?

(the foreign bit might not of happened in your house, it did in mine and i had to shout ENGLISH cos i didnt understand them, before i got my tea-but that another story lol)


does the top 20 still exsist?

if it does

where can i find it please?


thank you

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As far as I'm aware, we do.  Apparently records stay in 'the charts' for ages now, whereas a few years ago, records stayed in 'the charts' for around the same time as it took to make a cup of tea. 


Anyway, some nondescript pathetic Euro/Dance/Rap shite by 'Pitbull' (or should that be Shitbull?), is the best seller and down wid da kidz at the mo.  Yeah it's shit, yeah it could have come out at any point between 1993 and the present day.  Commercial music is utterly pathetic. 


Yes, I'm quite old but really, the young people really don't have any idea these days!


See for yourself, utterly pathetic!

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Too right Carnelian..


I feel I'm being an old git disparaging the kidz music, but honestly, I don't get it!  It's not that it's too this or it's too that, it's just that it's so ***** boring and derivative. 


That sort of music has been kicking around since before many of its purchasers must have been born.  Why does the industry keep churning out the same thing?  Why do the new generation of music listeners buy into it without trying to put their own generational stamp on music?  I don't get it, maybe it's the iTunes generation that have heard so much music from disparate eras that they just don't have their own musical direction?


It just seems that music has become so narrow these days.  Bands just don't experiment with sound - at all.  It seems it's all left in the hands and whims of the producers.  But the producers only seem to follow a defined trend. The indie bands, which were once pushing boundaries with different techniques and experimentation have been replaced by earnest and boring guitar bands.  I liked it at the time but the whole Britpop era really did have a lot to answer for! 


Why would someone go into a shop or click on a link to buy something as mediocre as Shitbull's "Give me everything"?



Surely if you like that sort of music, you must have loads of similar music in your collection?  It's not as if that kind of music is unique!


OK, maybe if it were on a compilation album you might think, that's ok, it's a filler track and I might listen to that until something decent comes on.


Yet it's the UK's best selling single!


What is wrong with the world?

Originally Posted by ッmufッ:


The charts are filled with the music that the most people want to buy Carnie.

You can't argue with that

Well exactly!  But WTF do they want to buy what they want to buy?  And why do they want to buy the same thing so many times?


Why do people want to buy Shitbull's awful derivative shit music?


Honestly, I don't get it.  The kids have more access to make music than any generation preceding them, and they have more tech to manipulate sound and shape their own style.  Yet they choose to listen and make the sort of derivative crap that's been kicking around since the 90s.


When I was playing around with music in the 90s, I messed around with effects and echos to produce something that was unique.  I was never a competent musician, but I've always had a strong interest in dub reggae and the Bristol sound as it was then. I just used to like to experiment with sound and samples and see what came out - quite self indulgent TBH.  I'm not saying that's for everyone, and in many ways I fiddled around with effects to hide my lack of musical ability, but never the less, music just seems so devoid of risk and experimentation these days.

Last edited by Carnelian

Yes there is still a chart... it's just shit now and full of talentless, autotuned, forgettable artists who are dropped by the record company as soon as they have a song released that doesn't get to number one....  And I don't think that the music is shit today because I am *ahem* over 40: my teenage kids think it as well, and say the 80s music is far superior to the garbage that is around today.


Some 2 to 3 decades ago, (and beyond,) bands and artists made a minimum of two albums before they broke through into the mainstream charts and acquired fame.  Now, if they don't hit number one immediately; they're history before their career has barely started.




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