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Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:



the idea is a good one......all i am saying is that it's very difficult to put into practice and for a child to dispel the ideas or lies that have been drummed into them by their abuser.....

The idea is a good one I agree ................the fact that it's difficult to put into practice surely doesn't mean we shouldn't try does it? I know the problem of child abuse is very deep rooted - as I said before - if only a handful are helped that's no bad thing is it?


Nadine Dorries obviously has a past history of saying the wrong thing - she's also a Tory ..............I put the well being of children above politics - I really can't see what's wrong here (apart from the fact it was badly worded or reported). There really is no 'single, cure all, magical remedy' - I think she's brave to tackle the subject - it's time it was.


Soozy Woo

She wasn't on the programme to argue for ways to end child abuse. She was on purely (no pun intended) to promote her warped idea that 'only girls' should be taught abstinence in schools. The reason she decided that her 'just say no' message could also help stop child abuse, was because Vanessa happened to mention five year olds in her spiel. Suddenly Mad Nad saw that her 'just say no' message could be tagged on to that, as well.


The fact is, she disagrees with children having sex education, until much older. She makes up stories about seven year olds being taught how to put condoms on bananas, without offering any proof that that is happening anywhere. She lies about leaflets promoting masturbation being offered to 11 year olds, whereas the truth is this was a leaflet aimed at helping teachers to promote the healthy side of sex to 14 year olds and older.


Her honest opinion is that children should know nothing about sex, until they are older and then just the girls should be taught to fight off the sex mad boys.


My opinion is that children should be taught that sex is normal and healthy (and a fascinating subject, scientifically), but should only happen at the right age and only with full consent. Teaching children that they can tell, safely, whatever threats have been dished out, is the only way to curb sex abuse towards younger children. Implying that they could have said 'no', only ends up making them feel even more guilty, if they haven't managed to stop it happening.


Basically, she is a self serving puritan, who is well known as a liar, when it suits her cause. 


  Blizz.      I just watched the Vanessa thing (thanks supes)  that's exactly how i see it.   I was confused as to where the 'preventing abuse' came into it after what I'd read yesterday (incl the fabricated bits about the 7 year olds and bananas and the purpose of the leaflet)  but as soon as Vanessa mentioned young kids she seemed to seize what she thought was an opportunity to strengthen her case.    All she did imo was to make herself look stupid as well as al; the things you call her in your last sentence.  

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

She wasn't on the programme to argue for ways to end child abuse. She was on purely (no pun intended) to promote her warped idea that 'only girls' should be taught abstinence in schools. The reason she decided that her 'just say no' message could also help stop child abuse, was because Vanessa happened to mention five year olds in her spiel. Suddenly Mad Nad saw that her 'just say no' message could be tagged on to that, as well.


The fact is, she disagrees with children having sex education, until much older. She makes up stories about seven year olds being taught how to put condoms on bananas, without offering any proof that that is happening anywhere. She lies about leaflets promoting masturbation being offered to 11 year olds, whereas the truth is this was a leaflet aimed at helping teachers to promote the healthy side of sex to 14 year olds and older.


Her honest opinion is that children should know nothing about sex, until they are older and then just the girls should be taught to fight off the sex mad boys.


My opinion is that children should be taught that sex is normal and healthy (and a fascinating subject, scientifically), but should only happen at the right age and only with full consent. Teaching children that they can tell, safely, whatever threats have been dished out, is the only way to curb sex abuse towards younger children. Implying that they could have said 'no', only ends up making them feel even more guilty, if they haven't managed to stop it happening.


Basically, she is a self serving puritan, who is well known as a liar, when it suits her cause. 

Well said Blizzie,I left this thread because I knew I would lose it.

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

She wasn't on the programme to argue for ways to end child abuse. She was on purely (no pun intended) to promote her warped idea that 'only girls' should be taught abstinence in schools. The reason she decided that her 'just say no' message could also help stop child abuse, was because Vanessa happened to mention five year olds in her spiel. Suddenly Mad Nad saw that her 'just say no' message could be tagged on to that, as well.


The fact is, she disagrees with children having sex education, until much older. She makes up stories about seven year olds being taught how to put condoms on bananas, without offering any proof that that is happening anywhere. She lies about leaflets promoting masturbation being offered to 11 year olds, whereas the truth is this was a leaflet aimed at helping teachers to promote the healthy side of sex to 14 year olds and older.


Her honest opinion is that children should know nothing about sex, until they are older and then just the girls should be taught to fight off the sex mad boys.


My opinion is that children should be taught that sex is normal and healthy (and a fascinating subject, scientifically), but should only happen at the right age and only with full consent. Teaching children that they can tell, safely, whatever threats have been dished out, is the only way to curb sex abuse towards younger children. Implying that they could have said 'no', only ends up making them feel even more guilty, if they haven't managed to stop it happening.


Basically, she is a self serving puritan, who is well known as a liar, when it suits her cause. 


Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Am I really naive? Isn't this a step in the right direction? It's virtually impossible to reach babies and infants - but - if young children at school are made aware that it is wrong - and that they can say no (even if it's not listened to they know it's wrong). So many kids being sexually abused within their own home really don't know thAt it's just not right until years later. 


Honestly - can someone please spell it out for me - what is wrong with this proposal? Is it simply her previous gaffes that have made this proposal somehow 'not right'?

Soozy, I think the point is her suggestion that if kids just knew how to say No that there may be less child sexual abuse......entirely missing the point that abuse takes place within a relationship of power where the victims have no choice/ personal power and are often threatened......So if, for example she'd said that there may be less adult rape if the victims learnt how to say No then I would be offended by that. From my perspective it's much the same..... I do agree that all children should be taught about relationships, what's right and wrong, good and bad touches etc. but that's v different from the 'Just say No' message 

I don't know the woman at all, you guys seem to know her form and where she's coming from.  I read the quote Soozy's way too though.


I have to say, speaking from personal experience as some one who was too afraid to move, nevermind say anything, in looking back I would have loved to have some sense of empowerment and self confidence to know I could have said no, or didn't have to put up with what was going on. 


I therefore don't see the harm in telling a child that to say no, is their right and they don't have to put up with anything just because the person doing it is an adult and they have to do whatever a grown up says.


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