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The screams could be heard 3 streets away as Mrs James sounded the ant alert

"There's Ant's in the kitchen!!" Was the cry followed by the usual response of trying to crush them. *More screams as the ants scattered*


I donned my riot gear zipping up all available entrances to my person. The first task was to remove the hysterical civilian to prevent unnecessary death. "Drop everything and get out please." "No i meant the dishcloth dear."


Then I went into survey mode. Creeping up on the enemy... Seemed to be a small foraging  party but I had to be sure in case more were hiding, waiting to leap on me and nibble me to death!


I followed their trail. Across the granite top, very crafty these Ninja ants they were wearing black almost invisible against the background. But they did not take into account my motion detectors (eyes). Ahh there are the crafty little blighters trumping up the surrounding unit to the fridge freezer, up , up, then across they trumped taking the highest mountain pass towards the darkest recesses of the outer kitchen wall. 

Satisfied that this was a raiding party I began my plan of attack. Government Household budget cuts meant we had not updated our Trident Missiles ant powder to the latest Chinese weapons (Nippon) I remember MOD meeting discusion with the wife now. " If it works why change it"?...


The attack was swift and without mercy. The whoosh of the blast and the fallout was devastating!

White ash (ant powder) fell everywhere. The enemy dealt a crushing blow retreated with amazing speed.


"And don't come back I shouted triumphantly as I shook my fist in anger at the little trumpers."


This battle won but something tells me they will be back. The summer offensive had not even started.


Damb you Damb you all to hell!!!!!


OK Mrs you can reclaim your kitchen. I walked off leaving the battlefield (Not really I cleaned up after me)


*The full details of the battle have been withheld to avoid distress to ant lovers (Philistines) *




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I've been here with the ant thing... 


I lost the plot a few years ago...  it resulted in me pouring kettles of boiling water over my lawn.


All I did was drive the buggers into the house.


So... in the end,  I used an ant trap (with ant bait) for those in the house...   they carry the bait back to the queen...  then the whole colony dies within 48 hours.


And I left those in the garden alone.     Cos if you kill of your territorial ant army..    you just get more ants from a neighbouring territory.



I actually love ants now..     I learned a lot that year.       So long as they don't come in the house we get on fine.


If the cross the threshold (And I have to be sure they are coming in of their own accord & its not the odd one that has hitched a lift indoors on one of us) then its time to get the ant bait out again.





Ant powder can actually just make the queen produce more offspring.... increasing the colony size

Originally Posted by PeterCat:

We had a major invasion of ants in my OH's parents' house when we were staying there a couple of years ago. We used 3 ant traps and they all went within 24 hours.

We get an invasion every year.  After traps and spray etc they disappear for that year, but return the next, less of them, but they return. 


So long as you get them early and dissuade any new queens from nesting it's OK. This is my 3rd consecutive year of attack & counter attack. The good weather has brought them out in search of food a bit earlier.


I am the only one who uses the powder. I put the ant traps down right in their path and they just walked round them. So I put the Nippon gel on bits of card. they ignored it. Someone tipped them off

Originally Posted by James:

So long as you get them early and dissuade any new queens from nesting it's OK. This is my 3rd consecutive year of attack & counter attack. The good weather has brought them out in search of food a bit earlier.


I am the only one who uses the powder. I put the ant traps down right in their path and they just walked round them. So I put the Nippon gel on bits of card. they ignored it. Someone tipped them off

It was me, I sent them along your way


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