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Originally Posted by erinp:

Playing conkers
Children playing the game of conkers

Roald Dahl was a big conker fan. He tells us in his book, 'Roald Dahl, My Year' that,
'...a great conker is one that has been stored in a dry place for at least a year. This matures it and makes it rock hard and therefore formidable.'

Excellent use of the formidable conker.....long live conkers and bruised knuckles.....

Well I remember being at the stage that Karma is at in her quest for a degree. In those days of long ago the limits of everyday thinking suggested that it was down to nature. We were encouraged however to believe that each child needed at least one adult to shower them in love. Thus if this is about the child killers one would wonder what had happened in their own childhood to make them so angry. I realise that in today's form of reasoning that such a theory isn't particularly fashionable. Chestnuts? It looks like being a good year for them, as well as cherries n plums.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Antiope:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Antiope:

Chestnuts are definitely natural.  Don't seem to need a lot of nurture.

Chestnuts need roasting....what about kids tho?


Pretty sure that's still illegal - though I guess with a bit of lobbying from Concerned of Clitheroe we might get a rethink. know what I mean tho Clitheroe Kid!

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Is there a reason why the children are not wearing safety goggles and gauntlets?

seriously,they are just having fun.No need for Health and Safety regs  Picture of Mario Marconi only.

understand  the conkers joke, but I was trying to be serious....


Regarding nature or nurture. I watched a programme about identical twins ,both genetically identical but raised by different  parents in different environments. Both turned out to have similar careers,musical taste ,there goals and ambitions similar,they both enjoyed the same recreational activities, they both made similar life choices..They were raised differently  ,but they turned out similar.. 


A bit of both...for tell your kid to stay away from stingers coz they hurt, said kid becomes fixated with them and you're run ragged on lovely country walks trying to keep him them   away from said stingers...he they   then see it as a the end you gotta you know what if you're so fascinated by them, go put your hand on one then and see that mum was right.  They do, you're proved right...all is well with the world


Is that the question you were asking?


I was gonna put 'that's a hard one' but then sat & thought about a few screwed up families & people & situations I have come across. And I would definitely have to say NATURE. The old saying comes to mind with that, 'you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink'. You can teach a child the right way in society all you like but their instinct will always be telling them something different - their own way.


Ah-ha, an old psychology debate, and it is a tricky one and very debateable!   Certainly a bit of both, but I do believe that what the parents were ie; musicians or doctors or whatever, will have an effect on what their offsspring are.  (so 'nature' prevails there) seems to overtake nurture somewhat.  But nurture is crucial too.


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