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Originally Posted by PeterCat:
Originally Posted by Mighty Quinn:
Originally Posted by PeterCat:

needs a good kick where it really hurts. Vile creature!

how zen  anyway paddy ashdown pulled the boy's pants down and gave him 10 of the best (figuratively speaking).

Murray really did behave like a 2-year-old having a tantrum, didn't he?

yes. think he was expecting a little more whooping and hollering when he dismissed the same the rule of law he claims sets us in the west apart from the unenlightened. all it took was a former special forces operative to tear down his precious intellect.

Mighty Quinn
Originally Posted by PeterCat:

OH NOOOO!!!!!!!! They've got Warsi on the election programme!  

She pops up everywhere.  Not that the Tories are playing the token Asian female card, of course. Plus she's gobby, pretty thick and just talks over people.


But never the less, it's funny how my white, middle aged, male MP Tory MP doesn't.  My Tory MP, who's had his useless arse plopped down on a safe seat for years and has done next to nothing for the constituency and as far as I can recall, has never proposed a Bill or ever seems to make a speech. 


Funny how he's never gets the Question Time/Any Questions gig etc.  I suspect he's far, far  more representative of the true demographic of the majority of Tory MPs sitting on safe seats getting good money for old rope.


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