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the nasty  tory party have regained boston borough council will be the headline in my local paper however, in some cases it was with the slimmest of margins (10's rather than 100's) and it was gained from a bunch of independents who couldn't organise a ****** in a brewery,  however it still flags up as  a victory

Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Hope my mum doesn't lead yours astray Scotty! 

'Tis ok, my mum'll be there keeping order....with a big grin on her.


They`ll be dancing the highland fling!    

Especially in my mum's case when she hears the Clydebank/Milngavie vote went to SNP. (That's where we came from) It was always Labour and she and my dad always voted SNP.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by ッmufッ:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Lib Dems are taking a hammering !

Nothing like giving the little guy a good kicking

The Tories and Labour should be rightly proud of themselves

The Lib Dems up here made it quite clear that they felt this was "payback" by the electorate for a shabby decision by the party's leadership- Tavish Scott in the debate the other night was pretty scathing about it. I think they're right,and I hope Clegg pays attention..

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Yea the Lib Dems usually do OK up in Scotland, in the borders/highlands etc.I feel quite sorry for  them.To think that Scotland produced the likes of the late great John Smith and we ended up with that wishy washy leader now...sigh!

I know. Tavish Scott did well, but a hell of a lot of their candidates lost their deposits . It's a shame, but it should send a clear message to Clegg, I'm glad about that.


I actually feel sorry for Gray . You're right, not a patch on Smith,( not many are! ) but Blair changed the face of the party in Scotland and we've pretty much got a crew of suited and booted  

" managers" and career politicians . Wonder if Michael McMahon will go for the leadership? ( See his daughter got elected too?)

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

I actually feel sorry for Gray . You're right, not a patch on Smith,( not many are! ) but Blair changed the face of the party in Scotland and we've pretty much got a crew of suited and booted  " managers" and career politicians .

There was one comment I heard last night which I thought rather interesting (it was in reference to the Lib Dems in Scotland, but could equally apply to Labour).

It was that while the SNP withdrew their "best" people from Westminster so they could stand in Holyrood instead, the more ambitious politicians in the UK-wide parties saw (and still see) their futures in Westminster...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Still kept our good Labour MSP in my ward.

W e still have ours,Michael McMahon , his daughter now in from the list.

We made such a mess of the list ,other Parties had their candidate on the list.We shoulld have done the same .

There are two MSP's who I felt "Karma" about getting the boot,Donald Dewar Babies.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Yea the Lib Dems usually do OK up in Scotland, in the borders/highlands etc.I feel quite sorry for  them.To think that Scotland produced the likes of the late great John Smith and we ended up with that wishy washy leader now...sigh!

To be fair ..........I think John Smith was one of a kind - a little bit special. So tragic that he died before being able to make his mark!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Still kept our good Labour MSP in my ward.

W e still have ours,Michael McMahon , his daughter now in from the list.

We made such a mess of the list ,other Parties had their candidate on the list.We shoulld have done the same .

There are two MSP's who I felt "Karma" about getting the boot,Donald Dewar Babies.

Michael's a good man ( saw him on TV tonight though and he looked knackered! ) Hope he goes for the leadership , though he might be too " old school" for some. 

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

There was one comment I heard last night which I thought rather interesting (it was in reference to the Lib Dems in Scotland, but could equally apply to Labour).

It was that while the SNP withdrew their "best" people from Westminster so they could stand in Holyrood instead, the more ambitious politicians in the UK-wide parties saw (and still see) their futures in Westminster...

I think that's a good point-  Holyrood is seen as a glorified council by some,and just a stepping stone on the way to braying " hyah hyah hyahh!" .  That might change a bit if they do get more devolved  powers  ( and there's support from Labour and the Lib Dems for some of the proposed areas ) , but some will always aspire to Westminster 


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