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I just loved that eviction, PeterCat.

So convinced her name wouldn't be called, she hadn't bothered to get dressed for the eviction. Cue mad dash to get changed.

And then so convinced she wasn't "really" going (some guff about her being spirited off to BB Australia) she pretended to lose an earring on the stairs and kept looking back "in case" a member of the production crew was going to appear and call her through a secret door.

Then the front doors opened, the eviction crowd was there, and it was real. Her face...

Originally Posted by Croctacus:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Shame on you lot! 


There is a perfectly acceptable 'Big Brother 2000 - 2010' Thread where you can mention all these classic moments...and you choose to ignore it. I personally blame PeterCat 



....I'm going off to have a cry now... 

Into diamond encrusted pillows?




Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Croctacus:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Shame on you lot! 


There is a perfectly acceptable 'Big Brother 2000 - 2010' Thread where you can mention all these classic moments...and you choose to ignore it. I personally blame PeterCat 



....I'm going off to have a cry now... 

Into diamond encrusted pillows?




Yay.....a true girly flounce!!

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Shame on you lot! 


There is a perfectly acceptable 'Big Brother 2000 - 2010' Thread where you can mention all these classic moments...and you choose to ignore it. I personally blame PeterCat 



....I'm going off to have a cry now... 

I wuz first, so why didn't you post in here instead of starting a new thread?  

Originally Posted by Smarting Buttocks:
Originally Posted by Miss S:

Although I loathed Sezar it has to be Maxwell's eviction for me because that week he was up against my favourite housemate at the time, Science.

I loved it when Maxwell was evicted. Absolute classic.

I remember jumping around the room like a numpty Buttocks

Originally Posted by Miss S:
Originally Posted by Smarting Buttocks:
Originally Posted by Miss S:

Although I loathed Sezar it has to be Maxwell's eviction for me because that week he was up against my favourite housemate at the time, Science.

I loved it when Maxwell was evicted. Absolute classic.

I remeImber jumping around the room like a numpty Buttocks

Me too.  I was sooooooo happy that Maxwell went. 

Smarting Buttocks
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Didn't there used to be a website that had all the old BB's?  I remember a few people saying they were watching either BB5 or 7 last year.

I think it may have been Gypsie so if you see her around grab her and ask her.

Ohhh is there? When I see her I will do


I thought C4 had pulled all footage but I guess there are some websites who have them.



Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I'm sorry to disagree PC, but I like Nikki. She was a scream with her tantrums, but she's a sweetie who has a lot of problems and is trying to deal with them.

I think the problem I had with Nikki was that it started to become obvious that her tantrums were often very contrived. There was a key moment when she threw a massive strop in the garden, but as she turned and stomped away the cameras caught an sly grin on her face, as if to say "job done".

I remember likening her at the time to John McEnroe...

Eugene's Lair

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