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I'm a bit suprised by that considering how much interest it grabbed when the plot first started.


Anyway, Ronnie gave the baby back and had a meltdown and Kat and Alfie walk away from the hospital less than 24 hours after being told their dead son is alive and has been raised across the square.  It all seemed too quickly sorted to me.  I didn't like last nights ep at all.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

I'm glad it's sorted. It went on for far too long anyway and Sam's continuous miserable boat made me itch. After Kat downing straight vodkas to get over the shock, a 2 minute pep talk from Stacey's mum kicked her backside into action and made her do an Usain Bolt to the hospital bearing a car seat which I thought was a bit strange. Saying that though, I did blub a bit at the ending (cos something was in my eye, natch).


I just hope we do not have to endure many more scenes of Sam looking like she's been struck by a cricket bat at speed. (Although she barely smiled anyway). The best icing on the cake will be if the sproggers turned out to be Alfies

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Karma_:

the hospital bearing a car seat which I thought was a bit strange. 

my OH said that any other time theyre in black cab at the drop of a hat-but Kat said she'd got the that right..? cos i wasnt taking much notice

It must have been a blink and miss it moment. One minute I saw her in the pub and the next I saw her peggin it in her heels carrying a car seat squawking at Alfie on the phone, I don't recall a black cab but will watch it again on Sunday to clarify

Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Karma_:

 The best icing on the cake will be if the sproggers turned out to be Alfies

That would be nice, but wasn't Alfie in prison at the time?

Oooh blimey I have no idea! But this is Eastenders, they can make Jesus appear in aisle 24 in Tescos and all sorts so anything is rewritable

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Aisle 24 How big is your Tesco.s mine only goes to 12

We have one of those mega 24/7 ones here. I remember before Tesco took over the world (back in the late 70's and early 80's) and they used to have the teeny little stores where there were loads of baskets and only a few trollies and not even a pay as you go electronic horse outside! Back then Safeways was the THE place to go (or Macro if you were lucky enough to have a card and be in the exclusive membership). But there individual toy shops and greengrocers and electronic shops...I miss all that in a way *violins*

Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Aisle 24 How big is your Tesco.s mine only goes to 12

We have one of those mega 24/7 ones here. I remember before Tesco took over the world (back in the late 70's and early 80's) and they used to have the teeny little stores where there were loads of baskets and only a few trollies and not even a pay as you go electronic horse outside! Back then Safeways was the THE place to go (or Macro if you were lucky enough to have a card and be in the exclusive membership). But there individual toy shops and greengrocers and electronic shops...I miss all that in a way *violins*

i remember when tescos was right dirty and horrible-the one in our city centre shut down cos the customers couldnt be arsed to queue behind the rats

Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Aisle 24 How big is your Tesco.s mine only goes to 12

We have one of those mega 24/7 ones here. I remember before Tesco took over the world (back in the late 70's and early 80's) and they used to have the teeny little stores where there were loads of baskets and only a few trollies and not even a pay as you go electronic horse outside! Back then Safeways was the THE place to go (or Macro if you were lucky enough to have a card and be in the exclusive membership). But there individual toy shops and greengrocers and electronic shops...I miss all that in a way *violins*

Its all new to us Scotchland folk, i like it

Originally Posted by Karma_:

I'm glad it's sorted. It went on for far too long anyway

Totally agree. I still find it staggering that they originally thought it a good idea to keep this story going until Christmas.
Once again, the scriptwriters have proven that they really haven't a clue. I bet they're still smugly patting themselves on the back over how well they've handled it, though...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by EllaBella:

I'm also glad it's sorted but just thought the climax was shite considering how huge the storyline was. 

I think they've been forced to tone things down and underplay it a bit because of the audience complaints and Samantha Womack's unhappiness with the storyline. They certainly made some emergency script-changes earlier in the year...

Eugene's Lair

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