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I'm rattling around my own house unsure of where to go next  I hate having workmen in and it's been 2 days now of going to a new room everytime they have work to do in the one I'm sitting in.  I just keep picking up my laptop and going to another room but they seem to need to do something as soon as I've sat my ass down. 


I wish they'd hurry up and finish.  I'm grateful for the work they are doing and they are very tidy but I also need a pee and they have yet to put a window in the loo so I'd be like a Goldfish in a bowl if I went in there lol.  Didn't stop one of the dirty brutes doing a shit in there though and stinking the place out.  Considering there's a big hole in the wall as ventilation that musta been some shit!

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Originally Posted by EllaBella:

I'm rattling around my own house unsure of where to go next  I hate having workmen in and it's been 2 days now of going to a new room everytime they have work to do in the one I'm sitting in.  I just keep picking up my laptop and going to another room but they seem to need to do something as soon as I've sat my ass down. 


I wish they'd hurry up and finish.  I'm grateful for the work they are doing and they are very tidy but I also need a pee and they have yet to put a window in the loo so I'd be like a Goldfish in a bowl if I went in there lol.  Didn't stop one of the dirty brutes doing a shit in there though and stinking the place out.  Considering there's a big hole in the wall as ventilation that musta been some shit!


Originally Posted by Eve Evelyn:

I was going to say, thats the third person today i know who is getting work done in the house /street. 


Anyone got a drill hammer for the Dame. 


I think I'm sorted Ev, my daughters going to her dads for his  I'll break the bugger before I send it back, I hope he doesn't ask what it's for  Come to think of it, he was hopeless at DIY, what's he got an hammer drill for? Another of life's mysteries  


Hmm I am now not a happy bunny.  They've just said that even though they've put in new white windows that they aren't replacing the old brown front doors (I've got 2 front doors, main door and side-hall entrace to the back garden) and that the venetian blinds that they unscrewed and took down will have to be put back up again by a blinds company which we have to pay for and also they've replastered but got it all over the walls quite a bit away from the window.    That's quite a bit of expense to me!


They haven't broke them Karma but they've taken them down and I would need to screw them into cocrete again with my bare hands or ring someone from the blinds company to come do it in a matter of minutes.  Considering there are 9 windows to do I think it would be best to get someone out to do them as I am a) short on patience and b) short on power tools to be able to do it properly and make sure they stay up.


So that's on top of the new doors and every room now needing repainting because of the plaster.  I think I should ring the Housing Executive on Monday and ask wtf they are playing at.  Yes we needed new windows but ffs the bill we're going to be left with now is a joke.


They took them down and should put them back up as they found them, don't let them get away with it.


When I had work done here the agreement was that anything removed to do the work would be put back and if it got broken it would be replaced. They tried getting away with not putting my blinds back up (mine just slot in to the holders) but I made them get up and do it! You shouldn't have to accrue any financial hardship because of their work. I'm sure they can get one of their team out to fix it.


It's not a small amount of money, either.Stick to your guns on this

Originally Posted by EllaBella:

I'm rattling around my own house unsure of where to go next  I hate having workmen in and it's been 2 days now of going to a new room everytime they have work to do in the one I'm sitting in.  I just keep picking up my laptop and going to another room but they seem to need to do something as soon as I've sat my ass down. 


I wish they'd hurry up and finish.  I'm grateful for the work they are doing and they are very tidy but I also need a pee and they have yet to put a window in the loo so I'd be like a Goldfish in a bowl if I went in there lol.  Didn't stop one of the dirty brutes doing a shit in there though and stinking the place out.  Considering there's a big hole in the wall as ventilation that musta been some shit!


Thanks Karma I think I will ring on Monday....actually no, I'll go into the office on Monday coz they have a new bollocks phone system in place.....and see the guy in charge of repairs and tell him exactly what I think.  I know there are older people living in the area aswell who have had theirs removed and not put back and it's a disgrace that they expect them to either stand on a chair and do it themselves or fork out for a guy to come do it. 


Aimee I don't understand the points thing?  We don't have that here.


To add to my annoyance I now feel like I'm in a goldfish bowl as there has been a death next door and all the family members have gathered waiting for the body to be brought back.  They have a raised porch which is level with my living room window so the crowd that will be standing there for the next 2 days will basically be looking right into my living room.  I don't really want to draw my curtains as it would seem rude but jeeeeeez I hate people standing right outside my window.


I'm a moany b*tch today

Originally Posted by EllaBella:

Thanks Karma I think I will ring on Monday....actually no, I'll go into the office on Monday coz they have a new bollocks phone system in place.....and see the guy in charge of repairs and tell him exactly what I think.  I know there are older people living in the area aswell who have had theirs removed and not put back and it's a disgrace that they expect them to either stand on a chair and do it themselves or fork out for a guy to come do it. 

Ah man that's not on.


Isn't there an on-site Surveyor or someone who comes round to assess that the work's been done correctly? But yep, if you can go in there Monday and demand to see someone then hopefully that'll sort it.

Originally Posted by EllaBella:

Aimee I don't understand the points thing?  We don't have that here.


To add to my annoyance I now feel like I'm in a goldfish bowl as there has been a death next door and all the family members have gathered waiting for the body to be brought back.  They have a raised porch which is level with my living room window so the crowd that will be standing there for the next 2 days will basically be looking right into my living room.  I don't really want to draw my curtains as it would seem rude but jeeeeeez I hate people standing right outside my window.


I'm a moany b*tch today

The points system is just a book they give you and you have to pick which paint, paper etc you won't from that supplier (not much choice) so it's not really worth it, i do now have about 400 tins of paint if you want any


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