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Former Member
Summary: Ofcom has not upheld this complaint of unfair treatment in the programme as broadcast.
Between 24 August and 10 September 2010, Channel 4 broadcast Ultimate Big Brother, the eleventh and final series of its reality programme Big Brother. This final series featured housemates from previous series of Big Brother and a smaller selection of housemates from Celebrity Big Brother.
The complainant, Ms Nadia Almada, had been the winner of Big Brother 5 in 2004. Ms Almada is a transsexual and her gender reassignment operation had been completed before she participated in the 2004 series.
Ms Almada entered the Big Brother House (“the House&rdquo with the other housemates for Ultimate Big Brother on the first day. She was the third housemate to be evicted from the House, which she left on 3 September 2010.
During her stay in the House, two major confrontations between Ms Almada andanother housemate, Coolio (a former rap singer), were broadcast on Ultimate Big Brother. The first confrontation (on 28 August 2010) occurred when Coolio made provocative statements and teased and mimicked other housemates. Ms Almada responded to Coolio and a heated argument developed, with both protagonists shouting at each other. The second major confrontation occurred the following morning (on 29 August 2010) after Ms Almada discovered that Coolio had hidden her shoes in a duvet cover. Ms Almada reacted strongly and angrily to his behaviour. Both Ms Almada and Coolio spoke to the programme makers separately to discuss the incident and their apparently volatile relationship. Coolio decided later that morning to leave the House. Edited footage of both incidents was included in the programmes broadcast on 28 and 29 August 2010, as were the reactions of the other housemates to the incidents.
During an edition of Big Brother‟s Big Mouth, aa companion programme to Ultimate Big Brother, broadcast on 3 September 2010, the presenter, Ms Davina McCall, introduced a guest, the comedian Mr Jarred Christmas, by stating:
“He has the charm of Coolio and the warmth of Ulrika. And he has the boyish good looks of Nadia”.
Ms Almada complained to Ofcom that she was treated unfairly in the programmes as broadcast.
In summary, Ofcom found the following:
 Ofcom was satisfied that Ms Almada was not portrayed unfairly in the programmes as broadcast and that the incident involving Coolio hiding her shoes and her reaction to it had not been edited unfairly to portray her as being“unreasonable”.
 ( taken from DS)  

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Syd:

Coolio had a sense of humour......that he thought the British had.....until he met the Nadia.

We'll have to agree to disagree. The only person he ever thought of was Collio.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Coolio had a sense of humour......that he thought the British had.....until he met the Nadia.

We'll have to agree to disagree. The only person he ever thought of was Collio.



Good.....she thought that behaving like a wailing banshee worked for her first time round (when I couldn't stand her) and that she was something special.  Hopefully now she'll realise she is just another wannabe who can dish it out but not take it and disappear into obscurity!

Originally Posted by erinp:

In summary, Ofcom found the following:
 Ofcom was satisfied that Ms Almada was not portrayed unfairly in the programmes as broadcast and that the incident involving Coolio hiding her shoes and her reaction to it had not been edited unfairly to portray her as being“unreasonable”.
 ( taken from DS)  

Smarting Buttocks
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Nadia was just the type of person who would complain endlessly about anything. We aren't! Imagine if everyone who thought she completely spoilt her year complained. We couldn't be arsed.

Well I did......but not to OFCOM.....I just.."futtermuttersplutterfluttergrunted" at me telly box......(I am not High Tech) 


the 'boyish good looks' bit was a bit cruel of Davina...considering she was all for Nadia's 'bravery' when she was in the show the first time, but Nadia knows how the show is run, as CBB5 showed Jade, BB break you as quickly as it makes you


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