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There's not a lot of sports I enjoy watching, Football being the main one, but Golf is just so dull.


Now I've had fun on a golf course before (pitch n putt ) where I just try to melt the ball as far as possible, then take about 10 go's with the putter at trying to get it in the hole...but to watch it on't telly is so boring!


Does anyone here really get into watching Golf? What's the hook with it?

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This morning I was going through the tele mag to see what was on and I saw 5 HOURS of golf scheduled for BBC2. FIVE BLASTED HOURS.


I don't and have never understood the game myself. You spend ages trying to hit some stupid small ball on a tiny holder and when you finally do you have to go and get it and then do it all over again. And it goes on and on and friggin on... And THEN they have the other bit where someone is standing like a foot from the hole in the ground and the bloke hits the ball and it goes in and everyone goes mental like he's just saved the world.


Where's the fun in that? At least with Ice Hockey I got to hit people. Golf is too civilised.

Originally Posted by Karma_:

This morning I was going through the tele mag to see what was on and I saw 5 HOURS of golf scheduled for BBC2. FIVE BLASTED HOURS.


I don't and have never understood the game myself. You spend ages trying to hit some stupid small ball on a tiny holder


 I have mental images of you doing that wearing stilettos, a leopard print dress and bug eyed sunglasses with a fag hanging out your mouth


My dad has taken up golf recently, he's become obsessed.  He started it initially because he has heart disease and so it was a gentle way of him getting exercise, it has worked wonders for him.  He leaves the house at 6.30 AM  on a Saturday morning, plays for 4 hours, comes back and gets on with his saturday.  When he went back for his stress test in Sept, the doc was surprised with how strong his heart had become, so on that basis I love the game


He really enjoys it though, all the blokes that go to the club seem to get on and they have a good laugh going round the course, I'd certainly never call it a spectator's sport, but those who play it seem to be obsessed with it.

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

*agrees with Rawky*


golf is insanely boring to watch 

awww, no , it's not! I love it! Used to go to the Dunhill every year ( when it was just St Andrews they played) - was a ritual! Went up there to work one year and got the bug .. went back every year after that and trudged about the course spectating . It's a really skilful game, and the patter was good  


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