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Originally Posted by Prometheus:

The C5 forum and this place will probably be a lot more fun than the show itself. It's going to be different, perhaps very different and people won't like that. I can already hear the sound of toys being hurled unceremoniously from prams all over the UK on launch night which should be great entertainment in itself 

Well they are asking what we want so that is a start some things they won't be able to do like davina due to her C4 contract but others like the live feed same basic format and a forum are doable and looking likely. Hopefully marcus will be onboard but the music is a must.


Also with any luck they will be allowed BB3 levels of alcohol when they have a party. kate trying to get dressed was enertainment in itself. I just looked on you tube for the vid but C4 have barred it from the UK only a uk show why is it still on for other counties

Originally Posted by Prometheus:

The C5 forum and this place will probably be a lot more fun than the show itself. It's going to be different, perhaps very different and people won't like that. I can already hear the sound of toys being hurled unceremoniously from prams all over the UK on launch night which should be great entertainment in itself 

I think there's a lot of truth in this, and it's one of the reasons I'm intrigued as to how it's all going to pan out. I tend not to get too involved in CBB anyway, so for the first 4 weeks I'll be able to sit back and enjoy the fireworks.


As for "toys being hurled from prams"; the fact is that a lot of fans have unrealistic expectations
about the new series and a lack of understanding about how Endemol and C5 work. For example, earlier in the week I read a post on DS where a FM asked for:

- a series run no longer than 11 weeks;

- no more than 16 HMs;

- no big  twists;

- no favouring certain housemates.

Now, leaving aside the last one (Endemol having always denied they do that ), the problem here is that this was posted after the Guardian and Star had already reported that the first 3 would definitely not happen! [13 weeks, implying a minimum of 16 HMs, and there will be a "Golden Ticket" competition...]

Eugene's Lair

I haven't watched BB for a couple of years so it matters little to me unless they are going to return it to the original concept then I would give it a look.


As to the forum question, I would probably join if there are loads of the FB fms who don't/won't/can't come here joining it and if there was somewhere to chat off topic as I really miss chatting with a lot of them.

I can message them on FB but I find FB way too difficult to have any kind of coherent conversation on as it moves so quick and I have trouble remembering where I was posting!

But I do like this forum a lot, just wish it was busier. A new series of BB could be a chance to get some new blood in here

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
 the fact is that a lot of fans have unrealistic expectations

about the new series



So true. Any 'wish list' is kind of minor compared to them wanting it to be 'BB' as they know it. BB was losing viewers every year. It's going to be all-change at BB Towers no doubt about it. For C5 and Endemol the trick will be gaining enough new fans to replace the old ones they pissed off.

Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
 there will be a "Golden Ticket" competition...]

A gimmick to sell the 'Star' newspaper is all this is I reckon !

Oh, no question!

One of the biggest differences between the C5 and C4 series will definitely be much more blatant and integrated cross-media tie-ins...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Is that even possible?  Evening stranger xx



And yeah; you can bet that after signing a reputed ÂĢ200 million deal for BB, Richard Desmond will be milking it for all it's worth...

Well I think that will kill off any interest I may have had in it then. I'm a real luddite in terms of BB, really miss the early series and the hms they had in those days. I was always far more interested in the sociological experiment angle rather than the wannabee one. I don't want to waste my time watching a bunch of fame hungry people that I would probably cross the street to avoid!

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Well I think that will kill off any interest I may have had in it then. I'm a real luddite in terms of BB, really miss the early series and the hms they had in those days. I was always far more interested in the sociological experiment angle rather than the wannabee one. I don't want to waste my time watching a bunch of fame hungry people that I would probably cross the street to avoid!

This is why I'm remaining cautious about the whole thing. I'm curious about how it will turn out, but I'm not a "bring it back at any cost"-type of fan, and I don't expect to get too excited about its return. Mind you: I rather suspect that I, - like you and many other FMs here - am not going to be amongst C5's target audience...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Well I think that will kill off any interest I may have had in it then. I'm a real luddite in terms of BB, really miss the early series and the hms they had in those days. I was always far more interested in the sociological experiment angle rather than the wannabee one. I don't want to waste my time watching a bunch of fame hungry people that I would probably cross the street to avoid!

This is why I'm remaining cautious about the whole thing. I'm curious about how it will turn out, but I'm not a "bring it back at any cost"-type of fan, and I don't expect to get too excited about its return. Mind you: I rather suspect that I, - like you and many other FMs here - am not going to be amongst C5's target audience...

Who you expecting the target audience to be if not the fans?

Originally Posted by neil3842:

Who you expecting the target audience to be if not the fans?

Daily Star and OK! readers.


Of course there are fans and there are fans. One of the things that fascinated me about BB was the way in which people would get interested in it for a wide variety of reasons.  However I rather doubt that Desmond will be all that bothered about pandering to the likes of Veggie and myself who look back fondly on when BB was still a "sociological experiment".

As Prom pointed out further up, the trick for C5/Endemol will be replacing the "old school" fans they lose with enough new blood to keep the show viable.  

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by neil3842:

Who you expecting the target audience to be if not the fans?

Daily Star and OK! readers.


Of course there are fans and there are fans. I rather doubt that Desmond will be all that bothered about pandering to the likes of Veggie and myself who look back fondly on when BB was still a "sociological experiment".

As Prom pointed out further up, the trick for C5/Endemol will be replacing the "old school" fans they lose with enough new blood to keep the show viable.  

Don't think neleacting old school fans would make sense by now BB is well known and most people either love it or hate it a few will watch if nothing else is on but the only 'new' viewers they are likely to get are old bb fans that didn't like past few years.


I can state categorically I will not be watching it this year because I know that it will ( like the last few BBs on channel 4) be catering for a certain audience - I have no interest in it at all and am absolutely incredulous at the amount of excitement it is generating.


So I guess I will be exploring the lounge here...

Originally Posted by neil3842:

 the only 'new' viewers they are likely to get are old bb fans that didn't like past few years.


Crazy statement if you don't mind me saying so. BB on C5 will be radically different or it will just continue the slow decline we saw with BB on C4. You never know they might inject humour and excitement into it. They might freely ridicule the braindead wannabes, they might actually hate the twonks hoping to make a career out of being stupid as much as we do. 


They might not. Wait and see. There are millions of potential viewers out there if C5 take the piss out of the HM's even half as much as we do.

Originally Posted by neil3842:

Don't think neleacting old school fans would make sense by now BB is well known and most people either love it or hate it a few will watch if nothing else is on but the only 'new' viewers they are likely to get are old bb fans that didn't like past few years.


BB hasn't played to the "old school" audience for some years now, and from what the Daily Star has been leaking recently, I don't expect that to change. On the contrary, it looks like they're going to meddle with the format even more (apparently there are going to be some changes to the nominations procedure) and go much further down the "big twist" route, with a lot more "audience involvement" too. As I said in another thread, some of the ideas being bandied around sound a lot more like "I'm a Celebrity..." than the BB we've been used to.

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Prometheus:
Originally Posted by neil3842:

 the only 'new' viewers they are likely to get are old bb fans that didn't like past few years.


Crazy statement if you don't mind me saying so. BB on C5 will be radically different or it will just continue the slow decline we saw with BB on C4. You never know they might inject humour and excitement into it. They might freely ridicule the braindead wannabes, they might actually hate the twonks hoping to make a career out of being stupid as much as we do. 


They might not. Wait and see. There are millions of potential viewers out there if C5 take the piss out of the HM's even half as much as we do.

IF and this is a big IF, they take the mickey out of the twonks that go on there, then I can guarantee that I will watch it.

IF they get rid of all the mag deals, the fake romances and the lauding of ridiculous talentless zombies then yes, it may be a goer for me.

But it won't happen.... the fact that the Daily Star promotes it says it all for me....


Ohhh and another thing... if they want to leave - let them go. Allow them overnight if you will but then let the silly sod go. No mag deals, don't pay them and certainly do not give them any air time with sycophantic interviews.

Stop the moronic booing from the crowd, and get an interviewer with teeth who will really get to the nitty gritty of the situation.


If C5 have any sense (and financial business acumen) they'll allow the public to participate a lot more by allowing us to vote on the website (for free) for the weekly tasks and nomination twists (as in we get to choose or choose with BB what happens to the contestants).


I say for free because enough money will be made by voting, but C5 can cash in by site visitation and hiking advertising costs and selling site placements, etc.


But I shan't anticipate anything that creative happening

Originally Posted by Karma_:

If C5 have any sense (and financial business acumen) they'll allow the public to participate a lot more by allowing us to vote on the website (for free) for the weekly tasks and nomination twists (as in we get to choose or choose with BB what happens to the contestants).

I don't know about the "for free" bit, but if the early Daily Star articles are to be believed, they are considering at least some of that...


"Under the shake-up, fans will decide who enters the house, who does the tasks and what treats or punishments housemates receive."

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Prometheus:
Originally Posted by neil3842:

 the only 'new' viewers they are likely to get are old bb fans that didn't like past few years.


Crazy statement if you don't mind me saying so. BB on C5 will be radically different or it will just continue the slow decline we saw with BB on C4. You never know they might inject humour and excitement into it. They might freely ridicule the braindead wannabes, they might actually hate the twonks hoping to make a career out of being stupid as much as we do. 


They might not. Wait and see. There are millions of potential viewers out there if C5 take the piss out of the HM's even half as much as we do.

don't mind at all. It will be very different or like you say it will continue to go down hill but I can't see any truly new viewers being pulled in the best they can hope for is getting ones that stopped watching back. Those that never liked the C4 show are not likely to even try the C5 version

Originally Posted by neil3842:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Karma_:
The downside was that I had to click a Daily Star link. *feels unclean*

Don't worry - you're not the only one...

Yeah it is a crappy newspaper but could have been worse could have been the sun.

It's when Desmond starts promoting BB in "Asian Babes" that we'll really have to worry...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Karma_:

I'd love to see some of the oldies back again, C4 was manic back then but was good fun

It was!


It was just the mods that spoiled it. Though it was good fun trying to sweet talk them into unbanning 


And of course it's where you found me, isn't it? So obviously Channel 4 forums will always have a place in your heart, Karma

Crunchy  Nuts
Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:
Originally Posted by Karma_:

I'd love to see some of the oldies back again, C4 was manic back then but was good fun

It was!


It was just the mods that spoiled it. Though it was good fun trying to sweet talk them into unbanning 


And of course it's where you found me, isn't it? So obviously Channel 4 forums will always have a place in your heart, Karma

Try further down. Then go round the back. That's where you are when I think of you (and not in a secs way)

Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:
Originally Posted by Karma_:

I'd love to see some of the oldies back again, C4 was manic back then but was good fun

It was!


It was just the mods that spoiled it. Though it was good fun trying to sweet talk them into unbanning 


And of course it's where you found me, isn't it? So obviously Channel 4 forums will always have a place in your heart, Karma

Try further down. Then go round the back.

You really do want me to smash your back doors in don't you!

Crunchy  Nuts

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