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In yesterday's debate on the statement re. the NHS "reforms", Glenda Jackson said:


The Secretary of State listed in his statement concerns to which he intends to listen, but every single one of them has been raised with him before, going back to the time of the publication of his White Paper.

As he did not listen to those concerns then, why should any of us believe his positive commitment to listen to them now?


I'm so glad she's my MP!

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Originally Posted by PeterCat:

In yesterday's debate on the statement re. the NHS "reforms", Glenda Jackson said:


The Secretary of State listed in his statement concerns to which he intends to listen, but every single one of them has been raised with him before, going back to the time of the publication of his White Paper.

As he did not listen to those concerns then, why should any of us believe his positive commitment to listen to them now?


I'm so glad she's my MP!

Better than mine.....David Milliband 


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