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There must be things going on which are being kept under wraps - his sudden arrival looks very odd. I haven't heard as to where his close family is (if he's got one) as only he has been mentioned, and what would happen to them if they were left behind in Libya?


As the Foreign Minister he would have a lot of information potentially useful to NATO, but would this be reliable?


It's said that he hasn't been given UK immunity against prosecution.


Rudolf Hess was initially Hitler's deputy at the start of WW2. Then in May 1941 he flew to the UK with the idea of making a peace treaty between the UK and Germany. Instead he was arrested and spent the rest of his life in prison, Comparisons could be drawn between Kusa and Hess.

El Loro

The ex Brit ambassador was, I think, inferring/implying (whichever TF it is) that this was our guy in Tripoli anyway.


What worries me, is that they are going down this route of Libya being responsible for the Lockerbie bombing. My carefully argued dissertation for my second degree came up with a different set of culprits. Do you think that they may degown me, and stamp all over my mortar board?

Garage Joe

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