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Originally Posted by machel:

although i am all for progression i don't like this doll, "mummy" and "daddy" do lots of things which i wouldn't want a child to emulate and that is the crux of it all - CHILD- let a child play with child things at a childs age let them grow up later and leave childhood to children 



I'm not sure about this doll. In a way it's cute and I suppose it's educational but I don't see the NEED for it. Should we have dolls that have periods so kids can learn about that too? Does the apron that comes with the doll make your nipples red raw as is often the case in real life? What about the frustration when after playing with your dolly who always suckled...your real life baby just doesn't want to do it? 


I got a bit graphic there eh? 


I've been thinking.


**oh yes I have**


It's just an opinion; not fact.  This doll thing is described as "designed to teach".

Of course all forms of play teach us is one way or another.

But this doll eliminates the need to use one of the most joyous things about child-play - the imagination. It is designed for practical instruction, and that's why I' m not fussed.

It's fun when a cushion becomes a racing car, or the cat becomes a massive wild beast, or the dustbin becomes the Grand Canyon.

I like pretend play. Plenty of time for intensive learning later.

Originally Posted by Scotty:


But but...there`s a big difference between these innocent toys to strapping false feeding breasts on a child for a dolly to suckle on. Call me old fashioned but I think it`s wrong. 


 But my point is, what exactly are child things?


Since toys were invented, children have played with things which emulate grown up 'things'.

Role playing shouldn't be restricted to 'Adult' shops, IMO!


You get dolls with nappies, who do wee wee, dolls who cry, feed from 'magic' bottles, dolls you can take the temperature from and then feed medicine etc.


I don't see a problem with this as a next step, and if it makes more children grow up to think breast feeding is normal, I think it's a good thing.

Originally Posted by longcat:

While there are dolls on the market that allow a child to feed it with a bottle then there should be dolls on the market that can be breastfed. It's not a sexual thing it's a natural thing.

Feeding a dolly with a bottle was innocent. A child wearing false breasts to to suckle a dolly is a whole different ball game. They`re children.

Let them be that without "learning" all this before their time. 



Breast feeding is one of the most natural things in the world. A child emulating her mother doing it is one thing.

To go out and cynically buy one to let children learn about it is something else again.

I had a Tiny Tears with a bottle. However I breast fed my children- because as an adult I felt it was the right thing for my babies. I do not think a child needs to worry about that yet. 

I also think it cheapens it - breast feeding is a wonderful intimate act between mother and child and should not be simulated with a lump of plastic,

Let children be children - plenty of time to learn about the correct way to feed a baby.

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Scotty:


But but...there`s a big difference between these innocent toys to strapping false feeding breasts on a child for a dolly to suckle on. Call me old fashioned but I think it`s wrong. 


 But my point is, what exactly are child things?


Since toys were invented, children have played with things which emulate grown up 'things'.

Role playing shouldn't be restricted to 'Adult' shops, IMO!


You get dolls with nappies, who do wee wee, dolls who cry, feed from 'magic' bottles, dolls you can take the temperature from and then feed medicine etc.


I don't see a problem with this as a next step, and if it makes more children grow up to think breast feeding is normal, I think it's a good thing.

I recognise all of these toys. I just don`t agree with (I repeat) strapping false breasts on a child to suckle a dolly. I don`t think see it as good thing and if it`s the next step, I don`t like it.  

What happened to children learning naturally? Why do we need (expensive no doubt) toys to teach them? Why do they need to learn about breast feeding at such a young age anyway? They`ll learn eventually. Let them be children. 

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Feeding a dolly with a bottle was innocent. A child wearing false breasts to to suckle a dolly is a whole different ball game.  They`re children.

Let them be that without learning all this before their time. 


It's hardly a pair of false breasts, Scotty! 

 Oh stop it Blizzie. You know what I mean. They have nipples to suck on. 


I think its good!! The more 'normal' breastfeeding is made the more women will be able to do it sucessfully(sp) I found it really hard and felt really uncomfortable feeding baby infront of anyone apart from my kids and their daddy, i put this down to it not being a widely done thing with people i know... infact out of everyone i know (other mums at school etc) around my age range there is only 1 other who has BF


I understand people saying let them be little girls but thats what little girls do they play with baby dolls (i know some dont but alot do) It's not a compulsary teaching aid its a toy and i think the more people are around breastfeeding the more mummies will want to try to do it

Originally Posted by sproooot:
Originally Posted by brisket:

It makes you wonder how we ever learned life skills before these people came along with their artificial aids.


I think it would be nice if they had a childhood first.



They'll learn to breast feed when they have their own real babies.

And besides, how do they know this toy will be of any benefit in the future? 

I couldn't breast feed but it wasn't for the lack of connecting or latching on.  Didn't have enough milk and so that was that. No dolly practising could ever change it.

Christ, it'll be bad enough when they ARE mothers with all the pro/anti bottle vs breast arguments.

Originally Posted by sproooot:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

What's more adult (and non childhoodlike) about breastfeeding that isnt with bottle feeding?

Because (IMO) That's taking it just a step too far and it's getting the kids to grow up far too quick and as Cosmo says there's plenty time to learn about it when they need to 

They're not going to learn how to bf from a doll though, to me saying its wrong for a child to play with this is saying theres something wrong about breastfeeding, i genuinely cant get my head around why people think its so wrong


Of course breastfeeding is perfectly natural, but why artificially mimic what a fully formed adult can do that a child can't? It's one thing to play shop/house and for a kid to imagine caring for a baby and another to accelerate their experience of childcare to the real. I wont be getting this for my 2 year old twin girls, it looks all wrong to me. Funnily enough them chucking their dollies around and beating each other across the head with them looks more age appropriate to me 

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by sproooot:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

What's more adult (and non childhoodlike) about breastfeeding that isnt with bottle feeding?

Because (IMO) That's taking it just a step too far and it's getting the kids to grow up far too quick and as Cosmo says there's plenty time to learn about it when they need to 

They're not going to learn how to bf from a doll though, to me saying its wrong for a child to play with this is saying theres something wrong about breastfeeding, i genuinely cant get my head around why people think its so wrong

No Jen. I'm not saying it's wrong. It's just that there's a time for it. I know what I mean, but I can't put it into words properly on this occasion.  

Originally Posted by suzybean:

Of course breastfeeding is perfectly natural, but why artificially mimic what a fully formed adult can do that a child can't? It's one thing to play shop/house and for a kid to imagine caring for a baby and another to accelerate their experience of childcare to the real. I wont be getting this for my 2 year old twin girls, it looks all wrong to me. Funnily enough them chucking their dollies around and beating each other across the head with them looks more age appropriate to me 

Yes I agree ....................seeing that little girl strap on a pair of boobies (or whatever you want to call it)

just looked a bit wrong to me.

Soozy Woo

I wish I'd had one of those as a kid.  I always breast fed my dolls (although I had to make the sucking noise myself), and they grew up very happy individuals who are now living fully rounded lives in the attic.  


Even though I am the youngest in my family, breastfeeding was always something I was aware of.  I find it more upsetting that it's not accepted as a natural thing.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

I wish I'd had one of those as a kid.  I always breast fed my dolls (although I had to make the sucking noise myself), and they grew up very happy individuals who are now living fully rounded lives in the attic.  


Even though I am the youngest in my family, breastfeeding was always something I was aware of.  I find it more upsetting that it's not accepted as a natural thing.

I think people do see it as a natural thing but i feel they are still a bit squeamish of it as a result of it not being a widely done thing while they were growing up.


It doesnt matter anyway as its down to the parents to provide this for their kids and if they dont like it they dont have to.......... simples

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I think its good!! The more 'normal' breastfeeding is made the more women will be able to do it sucessfully(sp) I found it really hard and felt really uncomfortable feeding baby infront of anyone apart from my kids and their daddy, i put this down to it not being a widely done thing with people i know... infact out of everyone i know (other mums at school etc) around my age range there is only 1 other who has BF


I understand people saying let them be little girls but thats what little girls do they play with baby dolls (i know some dont but alot do) It's not a compulsary teaching aid its a toy and i think the more people are around breastfeeding the more mummies will want to try to do it

Exactly, Jen. 


I've met women who openly say that breast feeding is disgusting and I've even met one woman who said that she was glad she had two boys, as she couldn't have breast fed a girl!


Obviously, those attitudes will have a big effect on the next generation, so anything that redresses the balance seems like a good idea, to me.


Of course there are also women who couldn't breast feed and those who wanted to, but found it difficult for social, or work reasons. This is not a judgement on them, just a way to make it more acceptable to society in the future. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:

I wish I'd had one of those as a kid.  I always breast fed my dolls (although I had to make the sucking noise myself), and they grew up very happy individuals who are now living fully rounded lives in the attic.  


Even though I am the youngest in my family, breastfeeding was always something I was aware of.  I find it more upsetting that it's not accepted as a natural thing.



there are two separate points here a) breastfeeding is natural, and b) a child's play.  for the first point a toy is not needed  - new mums will get all the support they need from health care professionals, for the second point play should stimulate the imagination (i'm not going into depth its a long time since i went to uni) both are separate issues.

I wasn't blessed with sisters, daughters or granddaughters (TF!) so I'm not an expert, but I've always been interested in all this nature/nurture business. From the descriptions and comments this all seems relatively harmless. My ten month old grandson seems to want to destroy and dismantle everything. A brief ban on toy weapons led to my son biting gun shapes out of toast. Likewise there must be some latent mothering nature in little girls. Before I had descendants I assumed all such behaviour was learnt. If you are looking for dangerous influences for your daughters then they exist in the area of so called celebrities who won't breast feed because apparently their breasts belong to their partners. The ones who commit self mutilation in the pursuit of a perfect body. Silly iriots, all of 'em
Garage Joe

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