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Originally Posted by suzybean:

hahaha that's good though. My mum and dad always undertake projects when they come round (proper deep cleaning my house to almost clinical levels) and they think they'll make me ashamed enough to do it myself but it never has.

  That's my inlaws!


My parents just sit there and point out my shortcomings!  


I saw my Mum today, and took her some flowers & gave her a hug etc.


Tomorrow (err.. well today) is supposed to be my mothers day..    last year was a crap one, I don't expect much, but the first "Happy Mothers Day" I got was at 4pm from the boy as he wandered through the living room..   and the girl had decided to stay at school that weekend, and didn't text me til 7pm with a "Happy Mothers Day". 


I was a bit pissed off 


Soooo...   earlier on in the week the whispering about Mothers Day started..   I found out from one of the kids that MrD had told them to go and spend their own money on me, so I had to put a stop to that.   So I have told them what I want..      I want a day with NO bickering, a day where I don't walk into the kitchen and see all the dirty plates piled on the worktop waiting to go in the dishwasher, a day where I don't walk into the living room and see empty coke cans, crisp packets, empty PS3 cases, and the PS3 discs strewn all over the floor..     


I have relented a little and told the kids that I don't expect the no bickering thing to be possible (mainly cos of MrD ), so they don't get upset if there is a glitch..      its all about the effort.



I will report back in the evening...   let you know if they managed it! 


im banned from my momscos my sister hates me and she's an old cow and she changed the locks on my mothers door..however-i have phoned my mommy and i'm going to sneak round later with some new pj's, a basket of flowers and a huge tin of chocolates but i'll have to hide them as that old bint of a sister will bin them otherwise..horrible twisted woman

and anyway

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all you moms out there


I phoned my mum an hour ago and she moaned at me for disturbing her lie in  Then we had a talk for half an hour and she's gone back to bed  My brother is going round to cook her dinner later.


I got breakfast in bed and I'm gonna settle on the sofa with my duvet and my fave 80s films for the rest of the day. Getting dinner cooked for me later too 


you  n me both Spongey... 


I finally gave up and got up at 10.30am..    made a sarky comment about there being nothing like a bacon sarnie in bed for Mothers Day & stomped down here.


the girl is still in bed, the boy is watching WWE & now MrD has just got up, offered to make some bacon (which I have refused)...   and is doing the wise thing and getting out of my way by taking the dog out.


it is NOT mothers day it is Mothering Sunday  and similar to dirty........ i ask for extra care and consideration mothers day is an american import - commercialised to the hilt and full of guilt especially those on low incomes  "ÂĢ12.99 or to make your mum feel really special ÂĢ20.99" so those who can only afford the least amount don't have "special" mums?


From my 29 year old son a card that said


'To My Special Mummy from your son'


inside 'I love you very much'


his words - 'Have a wonderful mothers day - love you so much B'


with a book token inside awwwwwwwwwwww he knows me so well.


My other son (and family) - a lovely caRD, flowers and Adele CD (i knew my hints wouldn't fall on deaf ears)


My daughter - another lovely card - flowers and a really lovely bottle of wine - which I will try to keep but in all honesty will probably be drunk tomorrow but will be very much appreciated.


I had two out of my three kids here for dinner today - along with my mum and all the other family members. Lovely, lovely day!

Soozy Woo

well..   after a shaky start my lot have really made the effort today...    I am a happy bunny.


There hasn't been one outburst of bickering (that really is amazing)...   there hasn't been any Black Ops on the PS3 going on...   hubby done 3 loads of washing (I only had to rescue the odd thing out of the tumble dryer whilst he wasn't looking)..    son gone to have a bath without the usual 2 hour argument about why he should.   daughter walked the dog 3 times, and bitten her lip when provoked by her brother.


And (despite me telling them not to) there was a small pressie from them all..     The Ugg Sheepskin Care Kit.    Ok... I was a little surprised (til I remembered I'd stuck it on my Amazon wish list...   I must go and either make that private or clear all the stuff off it that I don't want that much)...   I'd decided it was overpriced for what it was and had meant to go and buy sheepskin protector & shampoo & a suede brush separately...  but it is nice to have the Ugg set.   


Its nice to have the kids here ...    last year I really really missed the girl on Mothers Day...   I really appreciate them all today (kids, dog, even MrD)  

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

well..   after a shaky start my lot have really made the effort today...    I am a happy bunny.


There hasn't been one outburst of bickering (that really is amazing)...   there hasn't been any Black Ops on the PS3 going on...   hubby done 3 loads of washing (I only had to rescue the odd thing out of the tumble dryer whilst he wasn't looking)..    son gone to have a bath without the usual 2 hour argument about why he should.   daughter walked the dog 3 times, and bitten her lip when provoked by her brother.


And (despite me telling them not to) there was a small pressie from them all..     The Ugg Sheepskin Care Kit.    Ok... I was a little surprised (til I remembered I'd stuck it on my Amazon wish list...   I must go and either make that private or clear all the stuff off it that I don't want that much)...   I'd decided it was overpriced for what it was and had meant to go and buy sheepskin protector & shampoo & a suede brush separately...  but it is nice to have the Ugg set.   


Its nice to have the kids here ...    last year I really really missed the girl on Mothers Day...   I really appreciate them all today (kids, dog, even MrD)  

Yep really is lovely to have your family around you. My mum isn't in great shape and I'm very aware we may not have lots of years ahead of us. She loved her Tudors DVD and the flowers and loved having family together. We actually got all the old photos out today (had to be a tad tactful as my daughter was here with her new BF) - I had to monitor the situation as there are an awful lot of her old BF in there (11 years is a long time) I actually feel a bit tearful on that front TBH.



Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww  looking at old photographs lovely - but sometimes so bloody sad (pics of my dad) and all that

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
had to be a tad tactful as my daughter was here with her new BF) - I had to monitor the situation as there are an awful lot of her old BF in there (11 years is a long time) I actually feel a bit tearful on that front TBH.


ooh!  been there, done that!      (in your daughters situation)...    its a case of "ooh and here is the family in the local pub"  *pass round photo*   "And here is Aunty Doris & your Dad doing the conga at Freds 21st", *pass round photo" & "and here is...  mmmm"  *put photo to back of stack, look at next photo, put to back, and the next one..   then kinda slide the next few across a few cm's and then in bulk, but them to the back of the pack.    Abort that envelope of photo's and quickly open a different one" 


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