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January - Mum's 70th birthday

February - brief respite

March - Derren Brown in Liverpool

April - birth of first grandchild (any time during the next two and a half weeks - can't wait!), FA cup semi final at Wembley

May - sister's hen party in London and possible second trip to Wembley for FA Cup Final

June - Take That in Manchester

July - holiday in Costa del Sol and nephew's 18th

August - Sister's wedding and niece's hen party in Chester

September - Niece's wedding ........................


Not to mention Valentine's Day, Easter, Birthdays, Mother's Day ......


and Christmas......................

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I can imagine how you feel Cariad.  We haven't had a wedding in my family for about 20 years or more and then two come along together, just like buses!  Plus, I am expecting my sister and niece to be starting families soon after their weddings so next year will probably be almost as bad (or good, if you are well off!). Its also my other niece's 21st next year as well as my son's - then mine and my brother in law's 50th birthdays ........ its endless!

Bolton Fan
Originally Posted by Prometheus:
lol, sometimes the word 'no' can come in quite useful!

The June one is good ... it's combining with our "summer" holiday. And brother's better than it was - the original idea was for everyone to spend Xmas together at a local hotel 15 miles from home and a snip at ÂĢ250 a head. So ÂĢ750 for me on top of the usual Xmas expenses. Believe me the N word was very much in evidence. As in "Not on your fecking life". 

Originally Posted by Bolton Fan:

I can imagine how you feel Cariad.  We haven't had a wedding in my family for about 20 years or more and then two come along together, just like buses!  Plus, I am expecting my sister and niece to be starting families soon after their weddings so next year will probably be almost as bad (or good, if you are well off!). Its also my other niece's 21st next year as well as my son's - then mine and my brother in law's 50th birthdays ........ its endless!

Well I can't beat that!! We've pretty much finished breeding for this generation and our kids are mid teens - if any of them start I'll be chopping bits off.  The only other expense this year will be son turning 17 in September and wanting driving lessons, 

Originally Posted by Cariad:
Originally Posted by Prometheus:
lol, sometimes the word 'no' can come in quite useful!

The June one is good ... it's combining with our "summer" holiday. And brother's better than it was - the original idea was for everyone to spend Xmas together at a local hotel 15 miles from home and a snip at ÂĢ250 a head. So ÂĢ750 for me on top of the usual Xmas expenses. Believe me the N word was very much in evidence. As in "Not on your fecking life". 


Correct turn of events:


'Wouldn't it be romantic to get married on Christmas Eve darling?'


'No, f*ck off dear'.


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