Have just read through LitteknobJohn's article. Ok...he starts with this:
'It is wrong to visit the sins of previous generations on their modern descendants, although that doesnât prevent the British Left constantly trying to make us feel guilty for centuries-old grievances, from the slave trade to the Irish potato famine.'
And he then proceeds into a rant about his wife's grandfather who suffered years ago at the hands of the Japanese people, how we shouldn't forget this and that from the past...yada yada yada.
Mr.Pot - Mrs Kettle calling
This is what shocked me the most:
'It is footballâs equivalent of those teddy bears you see tied to railings at the scene of every road accident' (Should any of Littlejohn's offspring get run over and die, please remind me not to tie a teddy bear to the railing where it happened otherwise he'll get pissed off about it).
The shame is, his talk of Britain's activity in the middle-east makes for quite interesting reading, but the acerbic, bitter, venom he writes with throughout the article just makes me think he's one of those angry old men who spend all day frowning at a computer screen and never washing their genitals cos they're too busy finding stuff to tut at profusely.