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The last rant I had was with BT. It left one call worker in Mumbai so traumatised she actually used her REAL name on signing off. I was completely hoarse and son gave me a standing ovation. I am no longer with BT.


Please note - things can backfire. One work colleague is a complete tw@t and I eventually lost patience. I did not rant but became very firm with him. Unfortunately he seems to like this. A lot. He now behaves towards me like a cross between Basil Fawlty (who he resembles physically) ingratiating himself with Sybil and Timothy Lumsden placating his mother. And he leaves me presents. An earl grey teabag, a shortcake biscuit, half a cheese's all rather awkward.


As for cats - mine crap in my shitty neighbour's garden. I'm glad. It's his fault. It used to be wooded open ground and he pushed and pushed to build on it. Now all I see is his fecking roof. The cats see it as their space. He now has the nerve to moan about being overlooked but we were here first. Meh. 


BUT ye've gotta get into perspective too I went out last week on a leaving do for one of the admin' girls: first stop cheap n cheerful 'early special' chinese..So whadder yer expect for ÂĢ13.95 for four courses: me, not much at all and actually it was much better than I'd anticipated....Some miserable ol' cow didn't want to join in the 'early special' 'cos she didn't like chinese, (errr why did you come to a chinese then) ordered duck and orange sauce from the main menu, took one teeny weeny taste and sniffily pushed it aside along with the rice which was apparently 'not as she expected' FFS it was boiled rice what exactly was she expecting?!?....From what I saw there was absolutely NOTHING wrong with it.....But boy did she complain. wharra mood hoover

Originally Posted by Cariad:

The last rant I had was with BT. It left one call worker in Mumbai so traumatised she actually used her REAL name on signing off. I was completely hoarse and son gave me a standing ovation. I am no longer with BT.


Please note - things can backfire. One work colleague is a complete tw@t and I eventually lost patience. I did not rant but became very firm with him. Unfortunately he seems to like this. A lot. He now behaves towards me like a cross between Basil Fawlty (who he resembles physically) ingratiating himself with Sybil and Timothy Lumsden placating his mother. And he leaves me presents. An earl grey teabag, a shortcake biscuit, half a cheese's all rather awkward.


As for cats - mine crap in my shitty neighbour's garden. I'm glad. It's his fault. It used to be wooded open ground and he pushed and pushed to build on it. Now all I see is his fecking roof. The cats see it as their space. He now has the nerve to moan about being overlooked but we were here first. Meh. 

So.....being firm works....LOL.....leftover lunches at you're call.....Must remember..."BE FIRM"....(Wonders what goodies will pass my way soon).......*smile, wink and x* (Funny post)

Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by slimfern:

Syd! wot is up wiv your smilies ??

You iz developing a twitch near as damn it !!!

*twitch* on them and nothing is there except a black X box......and posting box goes faint white..... 

It won't let me give you the addy ???

this iz my new fave one  ïŧŋ 

I just spat my drink out

Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by slimfern:

Syd! wot is up wiv your smilies ??

You iz developing a twitch near as damn it !!!

*twitch* on them and nothing is there except a black X box......and posting box goes faint white..... 

It won't let me give you the addy ???

this iz my new fave one  ïŧŋ



*Rolls eyes smiley*    


Originally Posted by Abo:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by slimfern:

Syd! wot is up wiv your smilies ??

You iz developing a twitch near as damn it !!!

*twitch* on them and nothing is there except a black X box......and posting box goes faint white..... 

It won't let me give you the addy ???

this iz my new fave one  ïŧŋ 

I just spat my drink out

Heehee I love his lil wiggle! 

Do ya think I shud remove him afore Lori gets here 

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by slimfern:

Syd! wot is up wiv your smilies ??

You iz developing a twitch near as damn it !!!

*twitch* on them and nothing is there except a black X box......and posting box goes faint white..... 

It won't let me give you the addy ???

this iz my new fave one  ïŧŋ



*Rolls eyes smiley*    


Wot you on about - No competition ! 

Mine wins hands down!!! 

Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Abo:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by slimfern:

Syd! wot is up wiv your smilies ??

You iz developing a twitch near as damn it !!!

*twitch* on them and nothing is there except a black X box......and posting box goes faint white..... 

It won't let me give you the addy ???

this iz my new fave one  ïŧŋ 

I just spat my drink out

Heehee I love his lil wiggle! 

Do ya think I shud remove him afore Lori gets here 

NO I think you should make him your avatar

Originally Posted by Abo:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Abo:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by slimfern:

Syd! wot is up wiv your smilies ??

You iz developing a twitch near as damn it !!!

*twitch* on them and nothing is there except a black X box......and posting box goes faint white..... 

It won't let me give you the addy ???

this iz my new fave one  ïŧŋ 

I just spat my drink out

Heehee I love his lil wiggle! 

Do ya think I shud remove him afore Lori gets here 

NO I think you should make him your avatar

it won't let me 

Guess you're stuck wiv ma ugly mug!

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
well done temps,  that's what i like to see people  being infuriated  by  jobsworths, and quite rightly so.


I had a  run in  with  the electricity company  that sent me a  bill for  ÂĢ620 one  quarter, my bill was usually  about ÂĢ70.

I spoke the  the jobsworth on the phone  , he was eager to speak  to me at first,was probably having a slow day and   theres a limit on the amount  of times  he can skive off to the  toilets, so initailly the  enconter started out well


He said, after a  few clicks and a concilliatory' won't keep you a minute' just getting the right  screen  up,haha'

We were getting long famously....

''it says on the screen that your bill is ÂĢ620, if you have  problems paying your bill....'


At which point i said'' yes i know it is  ÂĢ620, i told you that not  5  minutes  ago,and  i do have a problem  paying this bill   because i don't   owe you it''


''Oh,  that's not what it says on the screen''


I  exhaled   an explative, he  got pouty  and refused to speak to me  ever gain,   i would have  been  sad about this  but in  fairness we hardly knew each other anyway and didn't think on balance i'd miss him that much, so I asked him to transfer me to some  one who  could help me and not get upset  and hurt, and  some one who wasn't goning to  cry would  be nice too.


 he  said he wouldnt, i used another  exppletive,  we never spoke again...


I never paid the ÂĢ620 either...



aww Jackson, I feel your pain.  I had a similar experience with the electricity bill.  It was for E400, but when I rang and gave them the reading it was actually E60.  I tore strips off the girl on the phone, told them they were trying to defraud me out of money   She said they have to estimate it as they don't have an up to date meter reading (we both worked full time), to which my response was, well why didn't you estimate it downwards instead of coming up with some sort of exorbitant figure that is totally out of line with all our previous bills. 


Sometimes I feel sorry for those on the phones, because they're in the frontline and are only doing what their managers tell them to do, but when they're telling you the calls are recorded for training purposes...surely that's your prime opportunity to unleash?

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Temps:
''it says on the screen that your bill is ÂĢ620, if you have  problems paying your bill....'




I'm sure you could... but if you couldn't... Temps has some very good tips for getting extra cash that involve hanging around supermarkets with a half drunk cup of coffee....


Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

BUT ye've gotta get into perspective too I went out last week on a leaving do for one of the admin' girls: first stop cheap n cheerful 'early special' chinese..So whadder yer expect for ÂĢ13.95 for four courses: me, not much at all and actually it was much better than I'd anticipated....Some miserable ol' cow didn't want to join in the 'early special' 'cos she didn't like chinese, (errr why did you come to a chinese then) ordered duck and orange sauce from the main menu, took one teeny weeny taste and sniffily pushed it aside along with the rice which was apparently 'not as she expected' FFS it was boiled rice what exactly was she expecting?!?....From what I saw there was absolutely NOTHING wrong with it.....But boy did she complain. wharra mood hoover

ah no that kind of pain in the backside creating a drama where there is none is just a waste of good complaining!

Originally Posted by Syd:
So.....being firm works....LOL.....leftover lunches at you're call.....Must remember..."BE FIRM"....(Wonders what goodies will pass my way soon).......*smile, wink and x* (Funny post)

Syd, Syd, Syd....not so fast. These are cheese sandwiches he breaks apart with his own fair hands... Or two segments of satsuma (ditto) or if you're very special you get a finger of kitkat (unsucked). Tony once got a whole bar of Topic, still wrapped and as far as we could establish entirely free from tampering. We're still not quite sure what he had to put out to get that much. But no-one here has seen a Topic since 1998 so it's sell-by date might have been in issue.


I've not even mentioned his habit of stretching out on the floor in the middle of the office to do his back exercises (at 6' 5" that's some stretch) OR that time he had a panic attack when the drill went off and he hid screaming under his desk.


And we're supposed to be professionals.

Originally Posted by Clumsycat:

went to nandos last week with the peeps from work, the veggieburger bun was so hard that the knife had problems cutting it.. didnt take it back cause its food & you dont know what they willl do to it. i just tell everyone that the food there is crap & i had a dodgy tummy the next day (which I actually did)...was narked tho 

Nando's is shite

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

BUT ye've gotta get into perspective too I went out last week on a leaving do for one of the admin' girls: first stop cheap n cheerful 'early special' chinese..So whadder yer expect for ÂĢ13.95 for four courses: me, not much at all and actually it was much better than I'd anticipated....Some miserable ol' cow didn't want to join in the 'early special' 'cos she didn't like chinese, (errr why did you come to a chinese then) ordered duck and orange sauce from the main menu, took one teeny weeny taste and sniffily pushed it aside along with the rice which was apparently 'not as she expected' FFS it was boiled rice what exactly was she expecting?!?....From what I saw there was absolutely NOTHING wrong with it.....But boy did she complain. wharra mood hoover

Thats the thing, you don't wanna turn into one of these people who complain all the time and get angry about everything - it can't be healthy

Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

BUT ye've gotta get into perspective too I went out last week on a leaving do for one of the admin' girls: first stop cheap n cheerful 'early special' chinese..So whadder yer expect for ÂĢ13.95 for four courses: me, not much at all and actually it was much better than I'd anticipated....Some miserable ol' cow didn't want to join in the 'early special' 'cos she didn't like chinese, (errr why did you come to a chinese then) ordered duck and orange sauce from the main menu, took one teeny weeny taste and sniffily pushed it aside along with the rice which was apparently 'not as she expected' FFS it was boiled rice what exactly was she expecting?!?....From what I saw there was absolutely NOTHING wrong with it.....But boy did she complain. wharra mood hoover

Thats the thing, you don't wanna turn into one of these people who complain all the time and get angry about everything - it can't be healthy

yes you do, that exactly  what  we want, no need to get angry, i'm rarely angry.

Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Clumsycat:

went to nandos last week with the peeps from work, the veggieburger bun was so hard that the knife had problems cutting it.. didnt take it back cause its food & you dont know what they willl do to it. i just tell everyone that the food there is crap & i had a dodgy tummy the next day (which I actually did)...was narked tho 

Nando's is shite

aint that the truth


Actually, back on topic..I got a bit assertive a couple of times today - this thread must have inspired me!  Raised some work issues that have been bugging me with my line manager ( and didn't let myself get sidetracked ) and complained to a store manager about really shoddy and stroppy service, I even accepted an apology without apologising for complaining in the first place  


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