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Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by Temps:
omg she never!   Good on ya Lucy....though I don't know how she could go near him again.
Yeah, she has let herself down a bit there hasn't she. I kinda hoped she wouldn't ever go back there again ...  I gave her more kudos than that
I can't understand what they all see in Mark ? ... Sure he's good looking, but now I know who he is and what he's like, he's just a joke.

I don't know what it is about this show ? ..... I can see what it's detractors are saying and how they are all just a bunch of pretentious wannabees but I find it strangely fascinating

And who's that new bird  who Kirks dad is after ? .... Not Gemma, the rotund  car sales lady  (I don't think he was interested in her anyway) but the one who had her boobs done in Belgium .... the play boy bunny .... Is it just me or is she really odd looking ? .... I don't think she's good looking at all.

I actually caught up with last Sunday's ones this morning and I get what yourself and Karma are saying now.  Omg Lucy let herself down so badly!  Not only to sleep with him again, knowing what he's like, but to say what she did to Lauren on the night she did.  Don't get me wrong I cannot stand Lauren I think she's a brain dead div and deserves all that Mark puts her through, but Lucy just showed herself to be a total vindictive so and so.  She could have walked away with Sam, laughing at Lauren for being so stupid, but instead it was cringe central!


I don't know what they see in Mark either.  In fact I don't know how any of them don't fall down more, let alone understand how they all make so much money.  They're each as thick as each other   The best line I thought was between Amy and HArry...'So did I get the job'...Amy:  'No.  Are you devvo?'


Yeah you're one Chloe is a bit funny looking...she's got teeth like a horse for starters

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Joey Essex  


Jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way.


The other one plays King Tubby Meets The Rockers Uptown 

what is he like?   The fake tan, the hair...and they have to be contacts he's wearing?  I loved when Mark said to him, 'you remind me of me when I was your age' and Joey says 'Yeah coz I'm 20 and you're like 24'  


@ this thread


It's not as if the show was ever promoted to resemble an arthouse classic or was looking to be a runner for a BAFTA From the time the trailers were running on ITV2 before the series started it was pretty obvious what it was gonna be about. Although nothing quite prepared me for that woman selling the BMW. All tits and no substance

Originally Posted by Temps:
 The best line I thought was between Amy and HArry...'So did I get the job'...Amy:  'No.  Are you devvo?'



Ohhh is that what she said .... I couldn't make it out at the time .... I love listening to those two .... It's like they are in thier own little world of pink fluffyness ........... & poor Harry, having to vejazzle Gemma's hairy monster, or whatever they called it

Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by Temps:
 The best line I thought was between Amy and HArry...'So did I get the job'...Amy:  'No.  Are you devvo?'



Ohhh is that what she said .... I couldn't make it out at the time .... I love listening to those two .... It's like they are in thier own little world of pink fluffyness ........... & poor Harry, having to vejazzle Gemma's hairy monster, or whatever they called it

Hairy growler.


That Gemma's bloody scary. She's right gaggin for a bit Not surprised Kirk's dad ran a mile!



Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I thought Sam wpould have had more sense than to tell Mark she loves him, what do the women see in him


I do not trust Sam at ALL. I said that earlier in the thread. She's so sly. The proper ice queen, all smiles but behind Lauren's (and Lucy's) back she's sticking the knife in. Lauren and Mark got engaged ffs, whatever people may think of their relationship Sam should have respected that. Mark had already told her the score and said that was it before he popped the question to Lauren (and I actually respect him for doing that cos he could have just not bothered).


However, I'm sure sly Sam won't be leaving it at that. I reckon the first row Lauren and Mark have she'll be up there sticking her jugs in his face again

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I thought Sam wpould have had more sense than to tell Mark she loves him, what do the women see in him

I have no idea.  I thought Sam would have more sense too.  She's a smart cookie, why she's making a muppet of her self over such a div is a mystery.


Did you see Joey Essex making a total plank of himself....Lucy:  so what are your interests....Joey:  politics  Lucy:  Really?  Who's the prime minister....Joey: The prime minister of Essex.  wtf?  


Was delighted to see Lucy walk off at the mention of Mark.  I'd love to see her forget all about him and become a success.

Originally Posted by Karma_:

On another note, I'm really liking Kirk's dad and the relationship he has with his son. Watching him tonight when Kirk broke up with Lauren (Pope) and how he looked after Kirk made me smile

he's not in bad nick either for a man of his age


I liked Kirk up until he dumped Lauren like that.  I was shouting at the tv, 'Ya rotter, in a packed club you're going to dump her!'  Then the hubby reminded me it was set up

Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by Temps:  Hairy growler.


That Gemma's bloody scary. She's right gaggin for a bit Not surprised Kirk's dad ran a mile!

I wonder how old she is ? .... I can't quite decide ? She reminds me of a right "know it all" type .... what Gemma doesn't know isn't worth knowing


Ohh yeah .... hairy growler  lol that was it



I liked Kirk up until he dumped Lauren like that. 

I think Kirk is gorgeous ..... but watching him over last series and this, it's becoming pretty clear as soon as he spots some new crumpet on the horizon he dumps the one he's with & swiftly moves on. He did it to Amy when Lauren Pope came onto the scene ... & now he's doing it again coz he's got his eye on new girl Chloe .... They're all as bad as each other ..... I reckon Kirk & his dad are two of a kind


When Gemma came out first and was talking to Kirk about the car I thought, blimey she knows her stuff.  When she was on the test drive with him, she started losing me.  Too heavy with the schmoooze.  I think they've dumbed her down to keep her in the series, I don't think she's as thick as she makes out, she reads people very well.  She's a million times as desperate though   I wonder where she came from?  She's clearly not a car sales she related to Amy or something?


Joey Essex is a plank.


Originally Posted by zazz:
Total shite!

100% agree. Watched it a couple of times but it's just stupid IMO.  These people are just ridiculous.  This gives a terrible impression of Essex folk, although I am sure not everyone who lives there is like that.  Seriously, is this what passes for good tv now?  Lord help us.

Originally Posted by Amythist:
I havent watched it but ......judging by the previews they show its more dumbing down superficial appearance obsessed gnat brained fake nonsense.

Agree. with you Amythist.  It's like the Godawful programmes with katie Price and peter Andre and Lily allen and Kerry Katona other vacuous chavs like that; I just can't watch them and don't know how anybody can.  Like I said in my previous post here, I can't believe this passes for entertainment.  Certainly doesn't entertain me.  Each to their own I guess.

Originally Posted by sparkles:
Originally Posted by Amythist:
I havent watched it but ......judging by the previews they show its more dumbing down superficial appearance obsessed gnat brained fake nonsense.

Agree. with you Amythist.  It's like the Godawful programmes with katie Price and peter Andre and Lily allen and Kerry Katona other vacuous chavs like that; I just can't watch them and don't know how anybody can.  Like I said in my previous post here, I can't believe this passes for entertainment.  Certainly doesn't entertain me.  Each to their own I guess.

Strange thing that.  i can't bear the celebrity ones.  I can't look at the Kerry Katona or Katy Price ones, desperate celebs just trying desperate measures to stay in the limelight and then moan about the pressures of being famous


But The Only Way is Essex, is a bit of cheap entertainment, bit of a harmless giggle, not to be taken too seriously.

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Temps:


But The Only Way is Essex, is a bit of cheap entertainment, bit of a harmless giggle, not to be taken too seriously.

Unless you happen to live amongst them! 



  Well if you pass Mark in the street, give him a slap from me will ya...just a lighthearted one of course


So ............. did you watch?


I did .......... I can't abide Marks mum ... I know Lauren is a cow, but you can't blame her for Marks abismal behaviour ..... silly bitch


What did I say ? ...... see Kirk ......... didn't take him long did it ...... 2 mins later & he's taking Chloe out for the night .......... so much for feeling really bad for dumping Lauren Pope.


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