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a few of the skulls have already been found
so FMs keep an eye out for the others-there are 13 altogether
so hunt-hunt high and low..

any burgulars reading this-do NOT try and use this thread as an excuse when you are caught breaking into someones property
'i was trying to find a crystal skull, so i can save the world M'lud'
that statement WILL NOT stand up in court Shake Head

and no,
havent tried it Big Grin
Originally posted by Bojangles:
However it could be Nuclear,as Mayans nor Nostradamus could have forseen Nuclear weapons,only perhaps the devistation that thy reek.

its not only world destruction they predicted-it might be a change in the way we live,peace to all etc.. and we have to change the way we treat the planet
i'm choosing to believe that option
a lot safer than what the film predicts Thumbs Up
Haven't see the link yet but Dec. 21. (hubby's Birthday lol) 2012 is the end of the Mayan Calendar, and end of a 26.000 year cycle. So we will enter a new cycle starting in 2013. Many many Earth Changes changes will occur and we'll have to go through some very testing times before we have a new Earth that will be so much better for everyone than this one is
Yellow Rose
Nostradamus (highly edited by me to make it sound good):

blah blah blah, the millennium, world war 3, blah blah, a yellow race will invade Europe, blood and corpses will cover the land..blah blah..from the sky will come the great king of terror'.

'from the sky will come the great king of terror'. 9/11, anyone? Ninja
Originally posted by jelly vodkafish:
Nostradamus (highly edited by me to make it sound good):

blah blah blah, the millennium, world war 3, blah blah, a yellow race will invade Europe, blood and corpses will cover the land..blah blah..from the sky will come the great king of terror'.

'from the sky will come the great king of terror'. 9/11, anyone? Ninja

Nostradamus has often been wrongly interpreted, personally I've never put much store into hi writings although in the law of averages he was right about some things, but not all.

9/11? there are more things in the skies, loseley termed, than planes
Yellow Rose
this film is about the approach of the planet nibiru(also known as planet x) that has a 3600 year orbit it is due to be at its closest to the earth in 2012. at its closest it is thought it will be enough to disturb and move the earths magnetic poles causing earthquakes and flooding on a mass scale.
choose whether you want to belive it or not but the only thing for sure is that the worlds goverments and also the vatican have spent billions of dollars looking at and researching this possibility.
the norweigan goverment has decided to build bunkers to store seeds and plants!
a few years ago scientists announced they had found planet x it was on front pages of newspapers around the world. suddenly they went quiet about it and to this day refuse to talk about it.
here is some info.
leaked nibiru planet x photos may 28 2008

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This planet is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.
What do you mean, "biblical"?
What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath of God type stuff.
Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...
The dead rising from the grave!
Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

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