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With much talk of rising unemployment figures while political parties blame each other.
With much talk of how to get more people into employment and how to create a jobs market and get the economy thriving again.
With much consideration being given to the welfare system and how to make work more profitable than the benefit system.
I am far from being an expert on this sort of thing, but I latched on to something Michael Heseltine said the other day on Question Time.
When asked about the possibility of attracting manufacturing back into this country, he pointed out that if that was to happen it would be much more likely that the work would be done by robots and not people.

I suppose this means that this will never be a country where everybody of working age and ability is in work.
There can never be full employment. Technology has lessened the need for people.

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I had an interesting conversation with my son the other day, he studies Economics, so often bores engages me with this kinda stuff.

It's obvious when you think about it, but it's not something I've ever thought of before...... he was talking about the "hidden unemployed". Those people who are in jobs below their skill/educational level because they can't find more appropriate work...... and more importantly (I think), those who have had to accept part time work because nothing else is available.

My sister is one. She's a Solicitor and has been made redundant twice in three years. She is now currently working part-time for the firm who first made her redundant.
Brisket I did hear what he said we already  have high technology it may cut jobs  but like all machines they do break down,and they still have to employ manual workers electricians etc if anyone is to be blamed for ripping the heart out of this country it was his government which he was part of under Thatcher,it leaves me cold when I see all these Thatcherites all of a sudden popping up on my telly patting Cameron  on the back .. so to speak ..this goverment will be worse IMO and this is just the start of all the jobs that have gone already.
they'll more than likely slash benefits rather than offer incentives to work

100% correct!  If jobs paid ÂĢ200 a week more than benefits, three quarters of people on benefits who aren't keen on coming off them (because they get no more money for working,) would snap the employers arm off to work... but that will never happen and the government WILL make benefits less rather than wages more.... To 'force' people out to work...  What I want to know, is where are all these jobs coming from?! 
Ello JB! LTNS on here xx

Out of those additional 4 million jobs, a lot of those were roles that weren't needed (i.e., Assistant Deputy Manager to the Deputy Manager who reported to the Assistant Manger..etc).

Also, a lot of the government roles were filled internally. As they were government roles, by law they had to be advertised to Joe Public, but the internal candidate had already been chosen, and the role itself would just be extension of the role the candidate was already doing and not replacing that candidate. So it was a new title and a couple of extra grand per annum, instead of having to recruit someone brand new and pay them a serious whack of money for their experience.

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