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Cupcake - I'll ask you what someone asked you in a thread the other day, "Why are you so angry?"
You seem really furious in a lot of your posts.

I don't know if people have multi ids - tbh I doubt there is as much of it going on as you seem to think. I may be niaive but I don't think most of us could be arsed with all the mucking about multi ids would entail.
Maybe you wouldn't use other IDS veggie, but a lot of people do, and I am neither confirming nor denying that I have any other IDs ..or ever have had... but what pisses me off is how people take the moral high ground and twitter on as if their shit don't stink, sitting in judgement, when it's bloody obvious that some of THEM use multiple IDs all the time.  (FTR, veggie, you're not one of them IMO.) 

Seriously, a few people have come back to try and start afresh and there always the same 4 or 5 people who start trouble and insinuate that they are old posters yada yada, and who try to make them feel bad and cause trouble.  That is a fact.  Maybe I am an angry person in some of my posts BTW, but I am not apologising for who I am....or explaining myself...
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
To be honest, people need to just quit dragging up shit from the past, and insinuating and implying and making snide remarks;  hinting and even actually full-on stating that people are past people under different usernames and so on and so on.   Dave has warned peopl,e about this already...  I mean come on, it's as clear as day that a number of people on here use several different usernames and are people from the past, and some regular users use additinal usernames too.... so nobody knows it's 'them' posting LOL.  But the majority of people on here seem to chat happily with the 'new' people and take them for what they are, (a poster who is just joining in on the boards..) 

Then there is a small handful of people - a couple who actually rarely post - who just have to keep making snide little digs at any opportunity if they suspect remotely that a 'new' poster is someone from months back under a new name  Question is; if it is... does it really matter?  People should just STFU and get on with their own lives and just don't bother responding to the poster in question's posts if they don't want... but then it's far more fun to stir, for absolutely no reason. 

Why can't people just 'get a life?'  I also strongly believe that the ones who accuse people of using more than one username are doing exactly that themselves, and they know who they are too.    Some people are just hilarious.... seriously....
I think some people need to chill too 
Bless you Sprouty, you're one of the lovliest posters on here.  I doubt if I will post much more though, because I will probably be banned after tonight for sounding off.  But I do feel better after getting things off my chest.  I think I have every right to be angry though TBH because a few people on here really wind me up.  Maybe I should just ignore them... and report them to the mods if it is deemed neccesary. 
TBH Veggie, you're a lovely poster too.    I have been reading the other thread that I said I wasn't going to post in, (the happy birthday one,) and it's getting out of hand, so I am glad I left it....  

I think that one (and this maybe,) may end up in the troll tank soon, and a few folk banned.  Me probably  

I hope not because I don't think I deserve it, but if I do get banned, it's been fun.   

Let's face it, it's livened up an otherwise boring saturday night.
Well I am off now... and what a fun night.    Most people on here are great; shame about the odd few on here.  Take care everyone, and if I don't come back, you will know I've been banned for sounding off...but as I said, i hope not, because I'm no worse than a few others on here and I think the points I made were valid.  But that's all for now.  Nighty night.  Gonna go read for a while now. 
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
TBH Veggie, you're a lovely poster too.    I have been reading the other thread that I said I wasn't going to post in, (the happy birthday one,) and it's getting out of hand, so I am glad I left it....  

I think that one (and this maybe,) may end up in the troll tank soon, and a few folk banned.  Me probably  

I hope not because I don't think I deserve it, but if I do get banned, it's been fun.   

Let's face it, it's livened up an otherwise boring saturday night
Yes it has 
Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Eve Evelyn:
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
TBH Veggie, you're a lovely poster too.    I have been reading the other thread that I said I wasn't going to post in, (the happy birthday one,) and it's getting out of hand, so I am glad I left it....  

I think that one (and this maybe,) may end up in the troll tank soon, and a few folk banned.  Me probably  

I hope not because I don't think I deserve it, but if I do get banned, it's been fun.   

Let's face it, it's livened up an otherwise boring saturday night
Yes it has 
Exactly....people moan but let's be honest, everyone loves this shit, its the busiest this place has been for a stretch.

Plus its making me chuckle, cant be bad cos I can be a right misery

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