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Reading the thread 'what's the creepiest thing to ever have happened to you'.  All was fine until first my OH went to work, then youngest went out to play then the eldest pissed off and let me all alone   I got the creeps but didn't stop reading   Now I'm sat here all alone and freaking out a wee bit   I'm such a pansy! 

On another creepy note the song 'Arms of an Angel' is playing over and over in my head all day and I switched on the TV to watch Hollyoaks whan an ad came on playing the song

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Now then to be a bit serious etc.Our clean quick culture  "pretends" death does not happen.As  in  ..don't talk about it! Well I'm going to.I'm 54 so I've experienced death..My late grandad when I was 13,My dad when I was 29.MY mum when I was 40,my brother when I was 50. Oh my uncles and aunts etc over the years too.I'm from Catholic Irish so they knew how to "send off" folk.
MY late dad always stated when coffins were in the room,laying out etc."The dead won't ever harm you".They were our family.However my dad was the last "Home" laying out.My niece was young at the time of the other deaths and I do know some kids can't undestand.Sadly her Dad,was her first close funeral dealings etc,she was the next of kin at aged 19 her mum died when she was two.

Oh well that's morbid,but it still annoys me when folk try to sweep death away,as if it's not natural,it is.
Originally Posted by Eve Evelyn:
If i was to post on there (and i am not) I would mention certain dreams i have had.

Very vivid, as if i am actually there and not dreaming , quite rare at the moment actually, i haven't had one like it for ages but the thing about them is they have all come true. 
I'm just pleased i don't get many of them.
Aye,"lucid" dreams,very common.I had a dream last night,very vivid.I was in a Western scenario and had to get lots of horses  to outrun these guys that were after me etc.Har,I ended up in a doctors surgery waiting to be seen etc..random rubbish!
Katty I hate the way we do wakes!  The whole laying of the dead person in a coffin for people to come see for  afew days really creeps me out!  I've never, thankfully, been in a position where the deceased is a close relative of mine so maybe that's why it creeps me out.  Not sure that having a body to see for a few days would be something I'd be able to cope with when it comes to it being a relative of mine but for now when I have to go to a wake I get really nervous and hate having to go see the coffin
Ella the last time it happened was with my dad well over 25 years ago.It was  what my late mum wanted to "bring him home".It became rather surreal,he was in the coffin in the back room,obviously is the practice.W had to lean over him to get to the chest of drawers where the tea towels,linens were kept.We all stated "excuse us ,da!" I bet he thought.".bloody women!".
I'm Still bloody reading 

Someone reading it late at night..then wrote this hahhaa , Im not surprised they had the wind put up them and started letting their imagination run away with them    VV

In bed this evening watching BBC News 24 when a loud 'aaahhhhhhhh' came from the laptop. Not a mechanical sound, but very human. 
It's really put the wind up me.
I checked all the ads on the pages I had open in case it was one of those 'talking' ads. It wasn't.
Really cannot explain it. Never had anything like this happen before. 
Am home alone and a bit wary of going to sleep.
Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by Eve Evelyn:
If i was to post on there (and i am not) I would mention certain dreams i have had.

Very vivid, as if i am actually there and not dreaming , quite rare at the moment actually, i haven't had one like it for ages but the thing about them is they have all come true. 
I'm just pleased i don't get many of them.
Aye,"lucid" dreams,very common.I had a dream last night,very vivid.I was in a Western scenario and had to get lots of horses  to outrun these guys that were after me etc.Har,I ended up in a doctors surgery waiting to be seen etc..random rubbish!

i hope you got away 

Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Eve Evelyn:
I'm still reading... made another cuppa lol 

I have the heeby jeebies at the Black eyed kids
oh god, me too All the ghostie ones scare the bejeebus outta me

The one where she woke up and the word CONTINUE was wrote beside her half finished job application form sent a shiver down me 
Ev (Peachy)
Just read this one:

I'm a nurse as well, and this isn't really spooky, rather sweet in fact. 
I was a ward sister on a surgical ward, doing an extremely poorly elderly lady's dressing. 
She told me quite categorically that she wouldn't be around later because her Jim had come for her and it was time to go. 
I asked who Jim was and she looked at the empty chair beside her bed and said 'oh Jim, I forget that only I can see you'. 
He was her hubby who had died a few years before. 

She passed away later that day, and whether or not her Jim had come to collect her, or whether it was a figment of her imagination, she wasn't frightened about leaving this world for the next. Bless you Flo, I've never forgotten you.

aw, thats lovely! I hope someone comes to get me when it's my time to go

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