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Well I thought the 'beautiful' woman on last week's Beauty and the beast was probably the most ignorant, self obsessed, and patronising prat I had ever come across..  I was very wrong. I've been watching this week's episode and the so-called beautiful woman (who actually is only average at best) makes the last woman seem like a candidate for Diplomat of hte YEar. 

How can anyone possibly be so completely shallow and lacking in self awareness?  She is being SO rude to the man she is paired with this week, and her face was embarrassing when she first saw him.  She is making me feel very violent.

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100% agree.  Except for the bit where you say the girl is 'average looking'... she's not... she's a dog.    She has nothing physically attractive about her, her eyes aren't nice, her mouth is ugly, and she is just a moose.  Her whole face is repulsive.   Miss Manchester my arse.  Who the f--k was up against her?  Bella Emberg and Jo Brand?!   And she doesn't even have a nice personality. 'i wanna be a model, i wanna be an actress' blather blather.  the most she can hope for is to be a WAG or a hooker.  F--king cretin! 
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
100% agree.  Except for the bit where you say the girl is 'average looking'... she's not... she's a dog.    She has nothing physically attractive about her, her eyes aren't nice, her mouth is ugly, and she is just a moose.  Her whole face is repulsive.   Miss Manchester my arse.  Who the f--k was up against her?  Bella Emberg and Jo Brand?!   And she doesn't even have a nice personality. 'i wanna be a model, i wanna be an actress' blather blather.  the most she can hope for is to be a WAG or a hooker.  F--king cretin! 

I was trying to be a bit PC about her appearance,but I do agree with you about her face, and I think she's a bit chunky to be Miss Manchester

I think the worst thing so far was that she's worried people might think less of her if they saw her with Andy 
Oh even though he 'lloks like THAT' he actually has a good personality, which I didn't expect.....woffle woffle........>  stupid patronising cow 

And excuse me but almost every girl I know was not confident at school and/or was bullied and wasn't overly pretty, and they didn't turn into c--ts who was self obsessed.

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