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Originally Posted by sandra:
i tried my best to  de-install  myself here   there was not an option . i find myself being very  paranoid and instead of letting off steam i feel terrible  speaking bout ma sons wife , i feel bad , BTW  how do you delete ??       i tried every known way to me
Aw Sandra,  i too feel bad for making you feel bad. I admit i wasnt my usual tactful self the other night and for that im truly sorry, please dont leave because of one thread hun i dont think anyone was being personal just differences of opinions, hope you stay. xx
Originally Posted by sandra:
i tried my best to  de-install  myself here   there was not an option . i find myself being very  paranoid and instead of letting off steam i feel terrible  speaking bout ma sons wife , i feel bad , BTW  how do you delete ??       i tried every known way to me
Ther'll be no de-installations from you hen, awright?  
Originally Posted by Cagney:
Have you spoken to her since she posted on FB? 

One thing I've noticed about FB is that people post to get a reaction. It's like a popularity thing to see who gets the most friends, the most replies etc.

Please let her buy at least one Metallica t-shirt btw
oh she has 3 lol  i'm just getting used to the idea , not a clue who rob zombie is  but got one of them too   .......... to me she will be ma wee princess 
Originally Posted by sandra:
Originally Posted by Cagney:
Have you spoken to her since she posted on FB? 

One thing I've noticed about FB is that people post to get a reaction. It's like a popularity thing to see who gets the most friends, the most replies etc.

Please let her buy at least one Metallica t-shirt btw
oh she has 3 lol  i'm just getting used to the idea , not a clue who rob zombie is  but got one of them too   .......... to me she will be ma wee princess 
She'll probably be like me. My girls had a good mix of all types of clothes. Depending on my mood. I will admit to putting the black stuff on them when my mother in law came round just to piss her off though  I said earlier about 5 changes a day. Pastels, black, brights....they wore the lot in one day. She'll always be your princess and I doubt her clothes will change that. 

Who is Rob Zombie?
Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by sandra:
Who is Rob Zombie?
  your guess is as good as mine lol  bob the builders's evil twin ???
I googled 

He's from a "noise rock" band. WTF is noise rock? Seeingly in the same vain as a band called Butthole Surfers 
OMG               ma poor wean  lol  i'm gonny  google
Originally Posted by Eve Evelyn:
Originally Posted by Cagney:
OH don't Eve. That looks like my wee man when I put my music on. He loves it  He's gonna be a mosher

 Yay baby Mosh 

I quite like those headphones..snazzy, but a bit Pink.. mind it goes with the black 
I'm a die hard heavy metal fan. Poor bump had no option but to listen to it. Now he loves it and when the girls put on their music he just screams. 

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