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If they brought it back I would like to see all the HMs in at the beginning( none of this introducing more throughout the series nonsense(). I also do not think it should be overlong - it really does get boring at the end.
If possible ban teens from watching it so we don't keep in the pretty boys for weeks and weeks
(Okay that is a little dictatorial but one can hope...).
Bring back the boy and girl separate rooms cos that was funny.
Don't allow them to sleep during the day - remember Josie et al?
Oh and NO Davina.

I would love to see someone like George Lamb doing it because it is not a programme that should ever be taken seriously and some of these people really do take themselves very seriously indeed. George would knock that out of them in interview and we wouldn't have the sycophantic rubbish of McCall which in the end ruined BB for me.

No magazine deals should even be mentioned or discussed to the HMs - in fact tell them they won't be getting them. Half the problems of the later shows can be attributed to the fact that the HMs played for the camera and the potential money out there.They should be told that it is a game show - end.
And once an FM is evicted, they stay evicted - it isn't fair on anyone to bring them back in again,

Just my opinion - I am sure others will go WTF and tell me so

BUT if C5 get it
I predict it will be cheap, trashy gimmicky and just not very good.
Last edited by Former Member

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