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Yeah he's in year 8 now and the GCSE's start in September. As I didn't partake in such examinations and left school by mutual agreement I haven't got a clue what all this is about and it's me who has to fill the blimmin thing in and sign it

I'm gonna try calling the school tomorrow but they're not the easiest people to get hold of (plus I had ructions with the medical lady last week and said the new headmistress needs to spend less time applying St.Tropez and more time running the school) so I don't see them being overly helpful.
Thanks Dits btw! It annoys me cos there was an options evening last week but I couldn't go (even though I wanted to). All week I've been on at K about the GCSE thing and tonight just  before he went to bed he's like 'ah mum! Forgot to give you this' it had Monday's date on
I didn't go to the options evening for my daughter ...  so don't worry...  there will be others that couldn't go for various reasons.

He gets it from his father

  -  yeah, pain in the 'arris that innit
one group was art, music, etc.. she chose music. then they had to pick a language and yes, food tech or DT or (in her school) AS Level Engineering which she chose. and then cos she chose to do biology, physics & chemistry as pure subjects that pretty much took up her options.

Oh bleedin eck I'm even more confused!

Ok, I have decided to stop panicking and adopt the Buddha way of dealing with things.

I know I said the bairn just had a list, but there were only so many to choose from each sections.

So it was like pick 1 from this category (food tech, DT etc) then pick 1 from this section (German, French) 2 from this (art, drama, media, music...or whatever) that sorta thing and as Ditty said, modular science took up 1 option, combined sciences took up 2 and then there was doing them separately which took up 3.

The form was laid out really clearly though, It was just one sheet!  God knows why they have made yours over complicated with pages of stuff.
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
yeah...   Ickle had option groups..  

one group was art, music, etc..    she chose music.

then they had to pick a language

and yes, food tech or DT or (in her school) AS Level Engineering which she chose.

and then cos she chose to do biology, physics & chemistry as pure subjects that pretty much took up her options.

Originally Posted by Leccy Endellion:
I know I said the bairn just had a list, but there were only so many to choose from each sections.

So it was like pick 1 from this category (food tech, DT etc) then pick 1 from this section (German, French) 2 from this (art, drama, media, music...or whatever) that sorta thing and as Ditty said, modular science took up 1 option, combined sciences took up 2 and then there was doing them separately which took up 3.

The form was laid out really clearly though, It was just one sheet!  God knows why they have made yours over complicated with pages of stuff.

That sounds like what I did, back when I did my GCSEs in the dark ages
My advice: Encourage him to choose options mainly in the subjects he likes, (if I remember rightly he's v practical?).... Tends not to matter, in the long term, these days, what subjects the student opts for, unless they're hell bent on a particular career path/ a red brick uni place. ....But, I would  encourage him to add at least one subject that's 'out of his comfort zone ' to provide 'balance' But hey, what do i know?

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