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I'm still deciding what I'd want in the room. Firstly, I'm having a warehouse that has had the insides knocked out of it (you didn't state how big or small the room should be )

Off the top of my nut I will definitely have some decks, speaker boxes, a jukebox with a mahooosive catalogue, a 48 track studio, killer bass for when I'm on my ASBO tip, an accoustic guitar, a Stratocaster, a metronome, a baby grand and a music stand.

In the other corner I will have a huge squidgy leather sofa (custom made) and various other things for people to sit on. A 50 inch HD 3D tele and loads of DVD's. (proper ones).

Lots of exotic plants, my GSD and another one for company for him and a chalice for decoration

I'm still deciding on the rest.

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