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I thought they got hitched a bit quick but seeing as my Dad proposed to my Mum after 2 weeks and were married within 2 months I thought that sometimes a whirlwind can work out ok.  I'm a sucker for believing what the press say though as they often have snippets of info they can't exactly print but can alert them to other goings on in the very weird celeb world.
Doesn't anyone take marriage seriously any more?  Perhaps if it was more difficult to get divorced, people might think a bit harder before getting married.  There's no reason why you can't know immediately that you've met your life partner, but somehow I doubt that was the case with these two.    And how can anyone be so shallow that they get upset at a picture being shown of them without makeup?  
Well it may be untrue, but it's more likely to have a grain of truth in it.  As for the whirlwind romance, I guess there are occasions when it works out, but I would think  relationship has a better chance of survival if you get to know each other and maybe live together first...  How long for, I can't say, but I would never have got married without knowing the woman at least 2 or 3 years and living together for a year or so.  JMHO of course.  For the record,  I think it wold be a shame of they split because they do seem like a nice couple together, but I do agree with most of what Growlybear said.
ere ya go Sweet... 

Katy Perry and new husband Russell Brand are seeking marriage counselling, according to press reports.

The couple have only been married since October, but Life & Style magazine is claiming that Katy "started asking friends to recommend a marriage counsellor" in January.

The insider added that when Russell filmed ‘Arthur' last summer "Katy was around all the time" but for the recent reshoots "she hasn't been".

Brand reportedly angered his new spouse when he posted a picture of Perry without make-up on Twitter last month.

Though the picture was quickly removed, it was already circulating the web.

The news comes as the pair have been kept apart by work schedules, with Brand in New York shooting his latest film and Perry poised to embark on a 95-date tour which will take her up to November.

Brand and Perry married last October in India after four months of dating and a 10-month engagement. [Life & Style]
TBH there doesn't seem to be a lot of substance to that report.    Marriage is always gonna have the odd rocky spell... 

I have been more concerned that ol Russ would get wonderlust...     so if its just a hissy fit over him posting a pic and her not finding it funny, and a bit of tension cos of work pressures...  I think thats pretty much par for the course.

It'll be a miracle if their marriage lasts, what with one thing and another.... but I really do hope it does.
See this is the trouble with women, they think they can change men. They see that they are a complete pig but things will be different with 'them'. 'They' will make them see the error of their ways and make them realise the path of true love with them is the way.

Mr Brands track record is not exactly filling me with confidence and I wouldn't be surprised. I cant see him being happily married for the rest of his days sadly, not one bit.
Brand and Perry married last October in India after four months of dating and a 10-month engagement

So plenty enough time to find out each other's quirks.  And thinking on, plenty enough time to decide whether marriage was the right thing to do;  not what some would describe as a whirlwind at all.

I dunno, much as it's sad when any relationship breaks down, I can't quite summon up enough effort to worry about this pair.  Why marry a known prankster if you're going to have a sense of humour loss when he posts a pic of you on Twitter...?
I'd be more surprised if he hadn't - it's hardly out of character for him, is it?

I also think 'distance apart' and 'work schedules' is a crud excuse.  Loads of couples have to spend working weeks/months apart - and raise kids too! without any other option.  Brand and Perry are both in charge of their careers and contractual obligations aside, is a work schedule that will eventually come to an end really the cause of this alleged marriage hic-up?

Seems all a bit overly dramarama to me.
Husband proposed to me after 6 weeks and we had a baby after 15 moths together...but that first year was hard, we had some humdinging rows but stuck at it and still happily together nearly 24 years later.

I knew that after someone made comments saying that 'it's probably best to get to know each other for a while before settling down, as the relationship is more likely to survive' that SOMEONE would just HAVE to counter-act it and say, 'we only knew each other five minutes and had a baby within ten minutes, and were grandparents within a year blah blah blah.    There's always one. 

Re K and R:  What a shame.  But I am not shocked and give the marriage another year: max.  And yes it's so true that some women think they can change a man and things will be sooooo different with them. 
I think that a relationship is more likely to work if you get to know each other for longer than a few weeks before getting married, but it's not a given.  And as for Karma's comments: I agree: I have actually known people together for 10 years and then get married, and they split up after six months!  But many couples who knew each other/lived together for 3 to 5 years, seem to last well.  It's odd.  People who get married very quickly or who wait TOO long (like 10 years plus) before getting married seem to have less chance of their marriage lasting than people who are together for 3 to 5 years.  (Just going on all the people I know.)  Let's face it, most relationships have a shelf life don't they? 
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
SOMEONE would just HAVE to counter-act it and say, 'we only knew each other five minutes and had a baby within ten minutes, and were grandparents within a year blah blah blah.    There's always one. 

Well you quoted what she said so we have to assume you read it first. They're still together 24 years later so what's your problem? It doesn't matter if it was just Croc who said it or 20 people said it she's just giving her own experience. Or are you saying she's lying?

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