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PC. I always knew you were a wrong 'un 

Some people form relationships. This involves much trust, but I haven't seen anything bad come from it at GaGa
I don't think it's that kind of place. I don't know anyone here outside of the forum though I'm sure there a few cliques hopping in and out of here. This is a small and friendly forum and ne'er do wells are quickly weeded out and that suits me 
Definitely not a Threadstarter but I do appreciate those who take the time to think of new topics.  

I like that the majority of people make an effort to get along ok on here.  Who needs to spend their leisure time bashing at the keyboard in a furious frenzy?  I like reading the debates but often feel that I'm either out of the loop, don't have enough information from all sides, and therefore my offerings of tsk's or nods of agreement are of little value to the thread.

I do like the laughs that are often found on any of the highlight threads though.

I think I've got splinters in my bum.
I'm definitely a Keen Observer.
Sometimes, I go to start a thread, but then change my mind, thinking that nobody will be interested in my topic. Later on, another FM will start a thread on that very subject - and get loads of replies.
I like reading the heated debates and I love the rambling rants, but I don't like the nasty, personal stuff.
I guess I'm more of a thread starter but i just do my own thing cos I'm not a follow the crowd kind of gal, & it often depends on how much time I have & how fast my wifi / 3G is at the time.. I like light hearted banter but I prefer not to get involved in actual arguments between forum members ( although it is funny reading them )
~Sparkling Summer~
A bit of all 3 really.  I usually just read the threads and reply in a few but if I get bored and there's nothing for me to read here then I start a new thread just so I can read and reply.  Should probably get out more

And I do like seeing a deffering of opinions on here aswell, where would be the fun if we all agreed all the time?  And if people feel strongly enough to have a good argument about certain subjects then go for it....although I'm a bit of an observer in those threads and don't think I've ever got involved in an argument on here.  Yet.
~Cosmopolitan~ Member Today at 1:06 AM Definitely not a Threadstarter but I do appreciate those who take the time to think of new topics.   I like that the majority of people make an effort to get along ok on here.  Who needs to spend their leisure time bashing at the keyboard in a furious frenzy?  I like reading the debates but often feel that I'm either out of the loop, don't have enough information from all sides, and therefore my offerings of tsk's or nods of agreement are of little value to the thread. I do like the laughs that are often found on any of the highlight threads though. I think I've got splinters in my bum.

You have taken the words right out of my brain. I too tsk and nod, and then I think, who would care what I think anyway, I am the biggest threadkiller on GaGa.

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