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Two eggs in a mug, beat eggs, add splash of milk ( when I say splash same amount of milk as eggs), knob of butter, a little knob not a big knob, black pepper, two splashes of woster sauce, put into breakfast bowl, place in microwave (800watts) 1 min, mix eggs, then 30 secs, mix again and then 30 secs until they are scrambled to your liking.
Place bread in toaster just before you put  the bowl to the microwave.
Butter bread when finished toasting.
Place cooked scrambled eggs on top.
You can add grated cheese and tomato to scrambled eggs if you wish.
Clean up kitchen.
Reference Croc Today at 20:15:
No...its the frying pan and you keep it moving the whole time...a chef friend taught me to do it that way
Actually, that's fair enough: providing you keep it moving. The problem is that if you don't  move it around enough, you'll have an omlette. For someone starting out, I would think it's probably easier to control with a pot (smaller heated surface) and a lower heat...
Eugene's Lair
At last, another normal person!
TBF Blizz, think that the milk idea probably came from an effort to make it go further... But what's the price of eggs? About 30p for the bestest free range meal....Now, don't start me on the perfect poached egg, or possibly one of my favourite meals, egg n chips!
Reference Karma_ Today at 23:08:
Milk in omelettes, oui.

Oh, now that's interesting...
I've just had a look through an old cook book, and it goes with what I was always taught: milk in scrambled eggs (though it's really a matter of personal taste *), but definitely not in an omlette.
you're going for a creamy consistency when scrambling, whereas an omlette needs to be a bit firmer...

* I've heard the cook Valentine Warner talk about this, and he's passionate that you never use milk - his scrambled eggs consists of practically nothing but, er, eggs...
Eugene's Lair
If you want to really go to town, cook your scrambled eggs in a bain marie over the lowest possible heat.  The water just steaming.  It takes about 40 minutes right enough but it's curiously hypnotic.  If you have the Sunday papers, a coffee and fag to sustain you, right enough. 

No milk in either tbh.  Touch of creme fraiche can be nice in scrambled but tbh butter, eggs, salt and pepper is all you need.  Fresh dill rules if your doing it with salmon.  One of me favourite, desert island combos. 
Mais non Madame

My French doesn't extend that far

Oh, now that's interesting... I've just had a look through an old cook book, and it goes with what I was always taught: milk in scrambled eggs (though it's really a matter of personal taste *), but definitely not in an omlette. you're going for a creamy consistency when scrambling, whereas an omlette needs to be a bit firmer... * I've heard the cook Valentine Warner talk about this, and he's passionate that you never use milk - his scrambled eggs consists of practically nothing but, er, eggs...

Oooh blimey! Someone made an omelette for me not so long ago and they put milk and cheese in (and onions and other stuff). It made me boke thinking about it while it was cooking but it was really nice!

Hang on. Maybe I'm getting me omelettes and scrambled eggs confuzzled. I'll have to check and report back.

As an aside, folded scrambled eggs are wrong. On all counts! You cannot fold something and scramble it at the same time! (So, in the interests of pedantry, such cuisine should be named folded eggs). *defiant stance*
I've just had a look through an old cook book, and it goes with what I was always taught: milk in scrambled eggs (though it's really a matter of personal taste *), but definitely not in an omlette. you're going for a creamy consistency when scrambling, whereas an omlette needs to be a bit firmer...
Thats what I do too! For those very reasons
No milk in either tbh.  Touch of creme fraiche can be nice in scrambled but tbh butter, eggs, salt and pepper is all you need.  Fresh dill rules if your doing it with salmon.  One of me favourite, desert island combos
mmmm, scrambled eggs, smoked salmon and creme fraiche *drool* On a toasted bagel, lovely (I don't like dill though )

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