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Well there's the rub. You can't write off situations like that with 'sh*t happens' and then subscribe to a belief that dictates good deeds are rewarded and bad deeds are given payback.
I agree when you're calling it Karma. Mere mortals have no control with illness accidents etc.

However I believe there is Karma with regard to happiness and good things within 'human' control.....................if someone is 'nice' and puts out good things - in our earthly life - I do think it comes back!
Soozy Woo
I suppose, in a way, I'm thinking about it the opposite way around to some others on here, the idea that when dreadful or v good things happen to people that they've somehow done something to deserve I believe that's always the case? Definitely not
yeah... you are thinking about it the opposite way round to me.     Those horrible things that happen to people..   I think thats life Soops..  sometimes it sucks big time.    I don't tend to think of those things as karma., more that those things are bigger picture things, key lifeline events, unpredictable, unavoidable, without reason.
its not hypocritical..  

I dunno how to word this...      

ok, for me Karma is about the foundations we lay in life...   if we are callous and mean to someone, chances are one day we will find ourself in a similar situation and find out how we made that person feel back then.     If we cheat or go with someone who is cheating, odds are that one day... we'll know how it feels to be in that persons shoes.    If we gossip & bitch, one day it will be our turn to be bitched about.        

Early on in my life I did all of that...   and karma came & bit me on the arse!    

The big bad stuff that happens, illness, accident, bereavement,  I don't think of any of that stuff as punishment for past behaviour...  mainly cos these sort of things I wouldn't wish on anyone, however they have behaved.
As a people to people thing ...................I believe there is Karma - if you're a good person - it usually comes back. If you;re an arse to everyone I believe eventually it'll come back and bite you on the bum!

There are some things beyond our reach - out of our control ,,,,,,,it sucks but - who knows there maybe a bigger plan!
Soozy Woo
Ditty and Sooz. I agree with you both. There is a baseline karma we can all have control over. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you and all that. In the great scheme of things however, I'm not sure there's a clearly identifiable karma that tracks you and serves you up or rewards you accordingly. I suspect (as my good lady pointed out to me) that any belief in that I may have is deeply rooted in my Catholic upbringing which I have long since discarded as nonsense.
ok, for me Karma is about the foundations we lay in life...   if we are callous and mean to someone, chances are one day we will find ourself in a similar situation and find out how we made that person feel back then.     If we cheat or go with someone who is cheating, odds are that one day... we'll know how it feels to be in that persons shoes.    If we gossip & bitch, one day it will be our turn to be bitched about.         Early on in my life I did all of that...   and karma came & bit me on the arse!     The big bad stuff that happens, illness, accident, bereavement,  I don't think of any of that stuff as punishment for past behaviour...  mainly cos these sort of things I wouldn't wish on anyone, however they have behaved.

That's very much how I see it Ditty - 
Prom when I think of Karma - I don't for one minute think it's a spiritual thing. May be it's because I am an Atheist  I don't know ?
I'm an atheist too but I don't discount some kind of natural almost Darwinistic intervention from nature (or something else)  to push us in the right direction. Yes, I know how pretentious that sounds 
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you and all that

yes, that kind of thing.

Its not spiritual for me either, more about balance I suppose...     

I am married to a Catholic who on the whole reckons he has grown beyond it...   but its deep rooted..  every now & then it surfaces.  

Its the same with his inner Tory too
I'm an atheist too but I don't discount some kind of natural almost Darwinistic intervention from nature (or something else)  to push us in the right direction

I think that too!

Twas when we did evolution in A Level Human Biology I came to that conclusion.   I had been totally atheist before that..  but the rate of evolution...   it made me think there could be something
Bet that's conflicting

more than he is aware of yet.  

lately when I have been going ape at Cameron on the telly...  his inner tory takes over & he starts defending him/them (usually by just starting to slate the labour goverment)...   I haven't quite had the heart to tell him yet that he has actually moved social classes...   he is no longer the mover & shaker, living in London, with lots of disposable income.   He's now a struggling married bloke wth two kids to feed, clothe ,educate, an overdraft, 2 cars to run & is dependant of working tax credit to make ends meet.

I will say this soon.. ..   I expect to hear a wail as his inner Tory withers & dies
Karma has nothing to do with religion..if you took 100 people who believed in it and put them together the place would be perfect..if you took 100 people who did'nt it would be the world as you know it, crime and dishonesty..
2 weeks ago I called a woman back to the cash point she'd left a wedge of money behind, she was so thankful....yesterday Mr stonks handed a purse in to the supermarket..4 weeks ago my nephew got his wallet back with all the money still in it....
this restores faith in the human race to each other which becomes Karma....
No..I really don't believe in anything ..spiritual..ethereal etc.We are all buggered,we are base type animals. No matter that we think we are higher animals...we are not, only our arrogance
and our "How the hell ,are we not better!" shit ,fecks other creatures and our world..
Humans have destroyed ,pollutted and driven other aninal species tp extinction..
We are all buggered,we are base type animals. No matter that we think we are higher animals...we are not, only our arrogance and our "How the hell ,are we not better!" shit ,fecks other creatures and our world.. Humans have destroyed ,pollutted and driven other aninal species tp extinction

I completely agree with this. Where I live in the heart of the Chilterns, they are going to build a high speed rail link   It is going to decimate the countryside completely as it rips through AONBs

People are of course going mad trying to stop it but are being accused of nimbyism.And I am this loan voice in the corner saying "this planet does not belong to us, We have no more right here than anyone else....." 
I just get accused of being a tree hugger.

The thing is, once it has gone, you never get it back.
And don't start me on this flipping government's plan to sell off our forests.,
I dont actually believe in karma, although i wish i did because i should be owed loads of good stuff

I think that the odds of you going through life without meeting good times and bad and a whole host of people who may or may not bear resemblances to someone or sometime in your past is very very low. We do have a whole life to fill and only so many experiences are available to fill it with, therefore it stands to reason that you will meet someone who is horrible to you, where you were once were horrible to someone etc.

I think that its just chance and if your sitting thinking...ohh look a bad thing has happened to so and so and thats their payback for what they did to me is pretty self indulgent.
Last edited by Former Member
But Stonks , it absolutely does, in Eastern religions.....Maybe the problem here is people have taken on a whole load of different definitions of what the word means to them?
And all religion is manmade, what came first religion or the thought and practice of Karma,,,,

Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day; Give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish.

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