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When my first husband returned from the Falklands the trains were on strike and he was sailing into Plymouth.  The buses were full, so I took a hundred pounds out of the bank and stuck a clean pair of jeans and knickers into a straw bag and got my thumb out.

I began hitching from Alloa at 3pm on a lovely sunny Sunday and arrived at Plymouth at 9am in the morning.  I got lifts really quickly and everyone was so helpful and pleasant it was lovely!  The sun came up as I was sitting in a lorry cab driving into Bristol and I felt I'd proved my love by travelling in such a fashion from one end of the country to the other and it was an omen that the future was bright - it was a wonderful feeling.
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
another good one was a hot sunny evening.
I was in my car travelling down a country road listening to Abbey Road..

It was the first time I had listened to it.

Golden Slumbers came on just as the sun was beginning to set...

I was so moved and in awe that I had to stop my car and soak in the evening and this wonderful music...... It was also at a time when I had made a huge decision so it seemed right somehow..
I always get car sick if going too far  

Do remember travelling in the back of my Dads Morris car (called Mabel), top to toe with my bro with blankets & pillows, older brother & sister in the middle seats, Mum & Dad in the front - we were travelling through the night from Scotland to London Heathrow to catch a flight the next morning for a life in Cyprus 

On reflection, I think it was the life in Cyprus that keeps that particular memory alive 
Aww Hoochie

Mine has to be the first time I drove a long distance after passing my test five years ago..... I drove up the east coast with my son in the passenger seat, stopping at every seaside town I used to visit as a child. The weather was gorgeous and the company fab. At one point I had to pull into a lay by because I couldn't see to drive through the tears of laughter!

(The laughter was mainly caused by me saying I could smell the sea and my son informing me, in his very dry manner, that it was in fact manure )

I killed a pigeon on that trip.....and swiftly discovered that if I am ever about to crash, I'm not going to be doing any supercool avoidance techniques... I'll just be shutting my eyes and screaming like a baby!
A couple of places spring to mind..

The drive down the M4 on a sunny day is lovely (away from London). Also drove from Glasgow to Loch Lomond once which was nice. Saw a place called Rest and be Thankful which was a bit surreal (and a bit weird cos there were big mountains with one little house plonked right on the top of them) and on the way back stopped in Helensburgh which was really nice.

The best place has to be the Hanger Lane gyratory on a rainy Monday morning about 8am.
A group of lads went for a weekend trip to Alton Towers from Plymouth.  I got up at 3 am, after 2 hours sleep (I was excited you see) and drove one car of lads. Another friend drove the other car of lads.

Driving 60mph on the M5, we hit some roadworks with a speed limit of 40 mph, my friend was in front and got flashed by a speed camera. I thought 'what an idiot' until i got flashed by the same camera...turns out we were still both doing 60 (funny how it doesn't seem that fast ).

We arrived at Alton Towers about 9:30 am and spent the day farting around in the park, getting told off and chasing girls.  Near the end of the day, after only sleeping 2 hours, and driving for 6 I started feeling ill. My friends wanted to go on Nemesis for the 6th time, I chose not to and spent the next 30 odd minutes throwing up in a bin....I was too dizzy to walk.

End of the day, we get to our B&B. The owner is alarmed that we are all lads (even though we told her) and we had to convince her that we were 'sensible' enough to stay. She literally had our money, in her hand, to give back to us.  First night an argument broke out between 2 of the lads which involved throwing of the china tea cups at one another. They were really going for it whilst I laid in my top bunk stifling my laughing.

Next day the arguing lads aren't talking to one another and refuse to go in the same car. The day Alton Towers is mostly tense with very little said....until one of our friends fell into the waterway of the River Rapids....we all pointed and laughed, then went home.
Driving from melbourne to ayers rock in blistering heat, sleeping in the car in the outback with kangaroos looking in the window. Passing eagles, wild horses & loads of kangaroos, spying redback spiders & snake tracks.

The whole thing took 4 days there & back. The stars at night were amazing , but was I glad to see a proper toilet & a shower when we hit Adelaide on the way back.. magic
Mine was when we were all younger. Mum, dad, 5 of us, the dog and the cat all in my dads old car. Big tent, camping chairs, food etc packed in the boot. We just headed off not knowing where we were going and ended up in London on a campsite. Can't remember the name of it now but I was sooo excited coz that's where East 17 were from. 

Squashed soggy cheese and tomato sandwiches, cupdrinks and 2 million pee stops, little sister puking every 5 miles and dad playing his country and western songs the whole way 

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