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Jamie Olver,Hugh-fernly-whatsisname and Gordon Ramsay on their new series to save things. Yhey threw petrol over Gord, they forgot to throw the match They should stick to what they are supposed to do -cook, and stop trying to save the planet. No one will take any notice, as happened after Jamies stint with our own school cooks programme.The folk the aim at need the cheapest food going to survive. They dont need to do this so unless they they give all there money to charity and then try to live on what they tell us is good--STFU till you have tried it.
Fiona Phillips makes me change channels, she is on the telly right now, or she was until I changed  back to Breakast .lol. She reminds me of a female Kenneth Williams. She is standing in for Lorraine, who is another one I can't stand. She is the worst interviewer on telly. By the time she shuts her gob, the poor interviewee can only answer "yes" or "no" as she tells them about their life or situation, she doesn't ask them.

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