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No fortunatly I have some "Law and Order :Criminal intent" saved on SKY+ so I'm watching that...The plug will be pulled on it soon,as my niece who paid for it, moved into her new place with her boyfriend 2 weeks ago.She paid for the month..I ain't fussed,I'll just go back to my Freeview.Looking at what I've saved on SKY+ 90% of it is available on freeview.Murdoch ain't getting my cash.
Reference: katty
Murdoch ain't getting my cash.
I'm full of empathy for that remark kaffy. Not a farthing knowingly.

I get frustrated that so many people (even people in politics) still don't seem to understand what a coalition is or how it works.
They still try to score their points by referring to the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats as if they were one party.
Are they still desperately playing the politics game as used to be?  I can't believe they are really that stupid.
Some of them should go to night-school to learn how a coalition is different.

Will Self, spot on as usual throughout - especially on the gov's plan B

Katie Hopkins, agree with her on Sky/Keys/Gray but otherwise, carving a name for herself as a pantomime right winger.

Edwina Curry - clueless and lightweight as usual.  Her comments on "Bend it like Beckham" were laughable.

Chris Huhne - toeing the line dictated by his new Tory masters - looked very uncomfortable when Will Self demolished the coalition's agenda, even resorted to the pathetic "wrong kind of snow" excuse. 

Chuka Umunna - didn't say anything off message.  Anodyne throughout
yes, Will Self, spot on as usual throughout - especially on the gov's plan B Katie Hopkins, agree with her on Sky/Keys/Gray but otherwise, carving a name for herself as a pantomime right winger. Edwina Curry - clueless and lightweight as usual. Her comments on "Bend it like Beckham" were laughable. Chris Huhne - toeing the line dictated by his new Tory masters - looked very uncomfortable when Will Self demolished the coalition's agenda, even resorted to the pathetic "wrong kind of snow" excuse. Chuka Umunna - didn't say anything off message. Anodyne throughout


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